This Alpha Lean 7 review will help you to get a deeper and better understanding of this product. I will be discussing the composition, usage, dosage, and results of this product.
You can also find a real-time personal encounter and results gained from this product, further in this article.
By the end of this article of the Alpha Lean 7 review, you will be able to establish if this product is worth giving a try or not!
What Is Alpha Lean 7?
Alpha Lean 7 is claimed to be an effective fat burner with no harmful side effects claims its manufacturers. They claim that the consumption of Alpha Lean 7 could help you in achieving your dream weight target.
According to the official website of Alpha Lean 7, it could suppress your appetite and maintain the feeling of satiety in your body which might help in quickly reducing your weight.
The makers affirm that this product could enhance your metabolism would help in flushing out the fatty cells from the body and apart from this it might also help in reducing water retention in the body.
Alpha Lean 7 could help you in improving your exercise output and physical performance. They say that it might help in reducing your recovery time and workout for longer hours to bring out the muscles hidden beneath your fat.
As per the text on the official website, the researchers of Alpha Lean 7 mention that it could boost your brain functions and improve your cognitive functions as well. This might help you in staying alert and focused during your practice and gyming sessions.
As per the official website, it could amplify your energy level and increase your stamina as well as elevate your mood and reduce your stress levels to promote a healthy body.
Alpha Lean 7 Ingredients
Green Tea Extract
This extract[1] could boost your immune system and is said to be effective at boosting your fat-burning efficiency. This ingredient is said to have antioxidants known as catechins that could make the body burn calories more efficiently and boost metabolism while reducing stress levels in the process.
L-carnitine, on the other hand, may also contribute to increased metabolism and act as a stimulant that would speed up your body’s natural fat-burning process. It could also aid your exercising ability and might reduce your recovery time from workouts. Apart from reducing weight gain, it would also maintain blood sugar levels, and lean muscle mass while losing fat.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine Anhydrous in Alpha Lean 7 could promote weight loss by suppressing your appetite. It could increase your metabolism rate and burn the stored fat in your body. Caffeine Anhydrous could also help to improve your athletic performance which would allow performing better during workouts. This ingredient might boost your brain function and increase alertness.
Betaine Anhydrous
Betaine Anhydrous in Alpha Leans 7 could prevent the building up of homocysteine in the blood which causes unpleasant symptoms in your metabolism. Thus, it could ensure quick and proper metabolism in your body which would help in eliminating the unwanted fat cells from the body. It may help in reducing the overall fat of the body. It could also be used to maintain muscle strength and endurance.
Dandelion Powder
Dandelion Powder in Alpha Lean 7 could help in getting rid of the water weight in the body. This ingredient is rich in potassium, which could act as a diuretic that might increase your body’s urine output. The increased urine output could ensure the removal of excess water from the body hence, would relieve you from frequent bloating and water retention.
Dimethylethanolamine is a precursor to the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine which could support boosting the cognitive functions of the brain, memory efficiency, and learning ability. It could help you in building up energy in your body while providing you sound sleep. It might also help in rapid weight loss by accelerating the metabolism in the body.
Cissus Quadrangularis
The Cissus Quadrangularis in Alpha Leans 7 has been shown to have anti-lipase and antioxidant properties that could help in reducing the absorption of dietary fat in the body and enhance the feeling of satisfaction by increasing the serum serotonin levels in the body. The increased feeling of satisfaction could further help you in staying away from consuming excessive calories.
Alpha Yohimbine
Alpha Yohimbine might accelerate the process of fat burning in your body and lead to greater and rapid weight loss. It could accelerate the metabolic cycle, improve your workout performance, and help you in cutting out stubborn fat faster. It is said to work better in the presence of caffeine and synephrine.
More on it here[2].
Eria Jarensis Extract
Eria Jarensis may act as a potent fat burner in Alpha Lean 7. It could help you suppress your appetite, which would stop the excessive calorie intake in the body and prevent further weight. Apart from this it could effectively reduce the feeling of anxiety and elevate your mood by promoting dopamine and noradrenaline in the body.
Claims By Manufacturer Of Alpha Lean 7
The makers of Alpha Lean 7 affirm that this product could reduce the overall weight of the body by eliminating not only fatty cells but also the water weight caused by water retention.
It may reduce the fat by absorbing the fat and carbs to induce more energy in the body which could help you in enhancing your stamina during your workout sessions.
They say that it could aid your physical performance by supporting the quick recovery of your damaged muscles and tissues that would allow you to power up your workouts and improve your workout outputs.
As per them, it could be an efficient appetite suppressant that would help you in controlling your unnecessary cravings while it might promote the feeling of fullness and satisfaction.
According to them, it could work to ensure proper and quick metabolism by regulating your digestion and metabolism. This might help in keeping away additional gain and proper removal of unwanted elements from the body.
They claim that the product is equally beneficial to both male and female users. It could reduce your stress levels by triggering the release of dopamine in your body which would help you in elevating your mood.
They also state that this product could improve your memory function and learning ability by boosting brain functions which could help you in maintaining your focus and alertness while you perform harder workouts.
How I Came Across Alpha Lean 7?
Lately, I was looking for a product that would help me in getting away with the problem of frequent bloating that was borne by the water retention in various parts of my body.
Also, I wanted to shred away the excessive fat on my body to get a display-worthy body. But, I did not know of any weight loss product that would help in flushing away the water weight too.
A friend in the gym recommended trying Alpha Lean 7. He said that the product has Dandelion powder added to it which according to him is a rich source of potassium.
Also, he told me that it could act as a diuretic which tried to increase the urine output hence regulating the water removal by urination.
He said that the product will try its best to remove all the excess fat on my body and give me quick and efficient weight loss results. According to him, the product has benefitted him too and he uses this product for all his cut cycles.
As proper metabolism is the key to effective and rapid weight loss, this product works on accelerating and regulating the metabolic cycle in the body which stimulates the quick weight loss process in the body.
I had faith in him but I still wanted to know the product better before using it. My friend shared the link to the official website of this product so that I can know the product and learn its works.
There were reviews by numerous users who claimed that they have gained positive results from this product. It has helped them quickly and effortlessly lose weight.
Apart from this, it stated that the product boosts the brain and memory function that promotes good focus and learning ability in the user. It helps in maintaining the energy levels in the body.
Though I am a powerlifter yet I have a habit of stress eating, my friend told me that this product releases the dopamine hormone in the body that could reduce stress and may as well elevate the mood.
And would also help me in curbing my diet as it is an appetite suppressant agent that promotes the feeling of satiety in the body to keep you adding pounds to your weight.
Followed Dosage Of Alpha Lean 7
Alpha Lean 7 is available in the form of capsules and each container will give you 90 servings as stated on the label of the product. It also states that the product must be consumed as per your tolerance level thus, begin with 1 capsule per day.
My friend recommended the same dosage in the beginning but then after a few weeks, I began using 2 capsules. I maintained a gap of 6-8 hours between my consumption.
I consumed 1 capsule in the morning before my breakfast and the second one before my workout. Also, I followed its usage with a proper meal and exercising schedule.
I stopped Alpha Lean 7’s consumption once my problems increased and my trainer advised that further consumption does not seem to provide many benefits to my body.
Personal Experience With Alpha Lean 7
I ordered a bottle of Alpha Lean 7 and my friend planned out a low-calorie diet meal and exercising schedule to pair with this product that would help me in getting better and quick results.
I began my dosage and the very first effect of this product was that it curbed my unnecessary hunger which supported my weight loss. I was losing fat and my bloating issue was also reducing.
The only problem with this product that I was experiencing from my initial usage only, was that it was causing stomach discomfort and an itching sensation in my mouth after its consumption.
I avoided thinking about it because the product was effectively reducing my water retention and fatty cells. Besides this, my energy levels were boosted and my stamina was improved.
After a few weeks of its usage, my weight loss came to a halt and in addition to this, I was experiencing constipation which was also affecting my sleep. My body was exhausted and I felt restless due to a lack of sleep.
My trainer was concerned about my performance in the field so he asked me if I had any problems I told him that I was using Alpha Lean 7 to get rid of my water retention and excessive fat but it’s causing stomach and sleep discomfort.
I also told him about the itching sensation, dizziness, lightheadedness, and restlessness I had been experiencing. He told me to quit using this product as it is not suiting my body.
My trainer mentioned that the label has stated all the ingredients under a proprietary blend which allows the makers to conceal the quantity of each ingredient used to prepare the product.
As per the FDA guidelines, every maker is required to display the ingredients so using a proprietary blend helps them in replacing the ingredients with filler without hindering the FDA guideline.
Here is a reference to the official guidelines[3].
This way they cover the cost of expensive ingredients, he said usually, these fillers might not be harmful but maybe something in the product is not suitable for my consumption hence is causing such issues.
And, it might cause damage to my body instead of benefits. He taught me certain exercises to deal with water retention and suggested that if these wouldn’t help I must visit a doctor and take proper medication to treat it.
He even gave me PhenGold and said that this product might be able to help me in regulating my metabolic cycle. At the same time, he mentioned that PhenGold may as well help my body in burning fat.
Having said all that, he mentioned the most important part in which I was highly interested. He mentioned that there are high chances that PhenGold may not cause any kinds of side effects or harmful reactions in my body.
Benefits Of Using Alpha Lean 7
Alpha Lean 7 was resolving my issue of water retention, without any doubt, but was also causing several other issues that were affecting my performance and body.
It also helped me in losing the fat for a short period of time but did not help in proper clearance. On the contrary, it caused frequent constipation which affected weight loss, sleep, and energy levels in my body.
After a few weeks of consumption, Alpha Lean 7 stopped working on my body and made me feel restless and lightheaded most of the time. I found it better to stop its consumption, then and there.
Side Effects Of Alpha Lean 7
I started using Alpha Lean 7 to benefit my body and it did give me certain benefits during its initial usage but, over time it also caused problems in my body that hindered my health and body.
I am discussing a few side effects of this product that I had experienced while using it.
Headaches, dizziness, and lightheadedness became frequent after a few days. Initially, I supposed it to be the effect of heavy workouts while following the low-calorie meals but slowly it remained even on my non-workout days.
Itching Sensation
This was the very first effect of consuming Alpha Lean 7. I felt like there was irresistible itching in my mouth and nothing helped, not even, several times gargling. But it would go away after 1-2 hours of consumption.
Stomach Discomfort
Alpha Lean 7 claimed to regulate metabolism but in my body, it stopped the metabolism for days. I felt heartburn, and sometimes nauseous too. I had days of constipation while I using this product.
Uncomfortable and improper sleep resulted in restlessness in the following days. It was becoming very difficult for me to concentrate on my practice which was leaving me behind in the competition.
Alternate Choice With Alpha Lean 7
When it comes to losing weight, my trainer has always laid stress on the old process of calorie deficit.
The same has been acknowledged here in this article[4] which states that a healthy American generally follows a process of limiting calorie intake.
Also, one might just need a little push, this is where a substance needs to be introduced into the daily consumption cycle.
As per the suggestion of my trainer, I started to switch to green veggies that have high fiber content. According to him, this could also make me feel full for a longer period of time.
Post that I have also included regular consumption of PhenGold.
Post doing all these steps and observing the changes in my body I can now confidently say that these have really worked for me. Due to all these steps, my body is able to lose weight and shred away every excess pound on my body without causing any sensation or discomfort in my body.
It has been a few months since I am consuming PhenGold. Not to miss the thermogenic properties of PhenGold that have regulated my metabolism.
It also prevents any abnormalities of my bowel movements, as claimed by its makers.
PhenGold boosts my energy levels and stamina which helps me in performing intense workouts even when I cut low on my calories. This product also helps me in staying satiated and avoid eating between my meals.
Also, I am following a proper exercise schedule that is supporting me in staying away from water retention and losing weight. Apart from this, I am consuming a diet suggested by my trainer that is low on calories and promotes weight loss.
This product has helped me in staying focused while combating acute stressors during intense workouts. It supports elevating the mood and enhancing the cognitive functions of the body.
Wrap Up Of Alpha Lean 7 Review
Alpha Lean 7 did not work for me as I expected, it caused irrelevant side effects in my body that affected my overall performance and body functions. I am happy and grateful that I was able to stop its consumption before it was too late.
I am getting effective and desired results from PhenGold. The regular consumption of this product has helped me lose weight and also maintain it. It efficiently prevents the addition of fat to the body.
The proper metabolism has helped my body in removing all the unnecessary elements and ensuring proper and smooth working of all organs. I still have to lose a few more pounds to achieve my target weight and shape.
I have decided to keep using PhenGold to maintain my weight because I do not wish to gain all the fat ever again. Also, this product has caused zero negative impacts to my health to date, so I have no doubts about continuing its usage.
+4 References/Sources
Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed researches, academic and medical institution studies.
- Sabu M Chacko, Priya T Thambi, Ramadasan Kuttan, Ikuo Nishigaki. Beneficial effects of green tea: A literature review. Chin Med. 2010; 5: 13. Published online 2010 Apr 6. doi: 10.1186/1749-8546-5-13.
- Yohimbe. Last Updated: November 2020. Available from:
- Dietary Supplements. Available from:
- Nutrition and Weight Status. Available from:
- These statements are for informational purposes only and do not intend on giving professional medical advice.
- Do not this information as an alternate medical prescription, treatment, or cure.
- This article has not been evaluated by any FDA authority.
- In case of allergies or medical issues, it is advised to consult an expert before consuming any product.
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Louise Rodriguez is a full-time health and fitness writer. She considers herself a gym rat and takes pride in showing her biceps. She dedicates most of her time to her health. With the time left, she spreads information regarding health and fitness among the masses. Harry Potter is her first love.