This HyperGH 14X review will help you in finding out if this product really helped me in regulating my HGH levels and promoting muscles growth or not!
In this article of HyperGH 14X review, I have discussed the composition and working of the product. You will also read about my experience with this product.
I have written about my dosage and results from this product. Read further to know this product better.
What Is HyperGH 14X?
The makers of HyperGH 14X claim that this product could help bodybuilders stimulate the release of HGH in their bodies to help them build stronger muscles.
They say that it would not cause any pain or negative impact on health like other synthetic HGH injections in the market as it is prepared with clinically tested and legal ingredients.
According to the makers, this product would help you in building lean, bulky, and stronger muscles while it would shred away every pound of excessive fat from your body.
They affirm that the regular usage of HyperGH 14X might boost energy in your body so you could intensify your workout sessions and enhance your exercise output.
As per the official website of this product, it might reduce your recovery time so you could build a ripped physique and give a stronger look to your body.
Besides these benefits, HyperGH 14X could help you get sound sleep to enhance your physical output, balance your hormonal profile, and ensure healthy organs and the body.
The makers state that this product might reduce the signs of aging, prevent weight gain, increase the T count, and boost your libido effortlessly and effectively.
HyperGH 14X Ingredients
L-Valine in HyperGH 14X could increase the strength and endurance of your muscles which would help them in fighting fatigue while performing intense workouts. This might also help in reducing your recovery time and improving your sports performance.
L-Glutamine in HyperGH 14X might improve the repairing ability of muscles which would help the bodybuilders during the resistance training. It may also enhance protein synthesis in the body. This amino acid might help in increasing the T count and HGH.
L-Arginine[1] is an amino acid found abundantly in protein. It could help you in synthesizing protein hence contributing to muscle growth. It might promote fat metabolism, increase bone density, and improve performance.
L-Glycine could increase the production of creatine and collagen in the body. This amino acid might improve your sleep quality as well as may healthify your liver, prostate, and heart. It could also stimulate the secretion of growth hormones. Besides, have a soothing effect on the brain.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that would help you from bodybuilding to effective weight loss. It might increase the production of growth hormones in the body. It could also boost energy and testosterone level.
Amino acids like L-Lysine play a major role as a building block of all proteins in the body. It might also help your body in calcium absorption and increase HGH levels in the blood. It could help you in muscle building and improving physical performance.
Astragalus Root Extract
Astragalus Root Extract in HyperGH 14X would help you in overall bodybuilding. It could smoothen the blood flow, increase the testosterone count, boost immunity, and maintain the healthy functioning of the heart.
Tribulus Terrestris Extract
Tribulus Terrestris extract could promote the production of lean mass and intensify the strength gains. It may improve the production of testosterone in the body that could help you in building stronger muscles, reducing stress levels, and lowering the risk of health problems.
L-Ornithine in HyperGH 14X could help you in reducing fatigue and improving athletic output by increasing your speed, strength, and power. It may also stimulate the growth of muscle tissues and maintain a good hormonal profile.
GTF Chromium
Athletes and bodybuilders use GTF Chromium as it could enhance their performance on the field and also increase their energy. It may also contribute to weight loss and help in increasing the muscle mass in both men and women.
Colostrum might support the increase in lean tissue and strengthen the muscles of your body. It has high IGF-1 content that could help you in reducing fatigue by altering the acidity rise during intense workouts hence, would reduce your recovery time.
Deer Antler Velvet
Deer Antler Velvet in HyperGH 14X may help increase the strength and muscle mass while it might speed up your recovery time during intense workouts. It could regulate the release of HGH and may also elevate your T count.
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid could increase the growth hormone serum levels as well as promote protein synthesis in your body. It could enhance your exercise output which could help in enhancing exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy.
Anterior Pituitary Powder
Anterior Pituitary Powder could help in stimulating the pituitary gland into increasing the release of HGH in the bloodstream. It would improve the poor muscle tone and aging conditions.
Phosphatidyl Choline
Phosphatidyl Choline could be required to properly modulate fat that would decrease fatty acid synthesis and protein metabolism that could contribute to muscle growth and functions. It may also have anti-inflammatory effects that would reduce your recovery time.
Working Of HyperGH 14X
The makers claim that HyperGH 14X could give you an extra boost in your exercise output, muscle gain, and performance on the field. It could help you in slowing the aging process and give you a better skin texture.
Each ingredient included in the HyperGH 14X formulation is a known precursor to HGH production, which would naturally stimulate the production of Human Growth Hormones in your body.
The increased production of HGH in the body would help your body in building muscles, promote the weight loss process, accelerate metabolism, and fill your body with energy.
Ingredients like Astralagus would increase the nitric oxide content in your body which could smoothen the flow of oxygen and nutrients in your blood by widening the blood vessels in your body.
This could supply a sufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen to your muscles and could strengthen them. This might help you in preventing muscle fatigue and soreness during intense workout sessions.
The manufacturers claim that this would contribute to reducing your recovery time from the intense workouts and allow you to exercise for longer hours at a stretch.
Amino acid-like L-tyrosine might serve as a development-enhancer agent that would increase the release of growth hormone and thyroid hormone by triggering the release of hypothalamic catecholamine and dopamine.
As per the makers, the product might help you in optimizing the hormones, absorbing calcium, increasing bone density, and enhancing protein synthesis which could contribute to adding inches to your muscles.
They say that HyperGH 14X would reduce the oxidative stress from your body which might help your body in rapidly repairing the damaged cells and tissues and regenerating them.
It may help in the well-being and protection of your vital organs like the brain, heart, liver, and prostate. It may also help in elevating your mood and improving your sleep quality.
How I Came Across HyperGH 14X?
I was introduced to HyperGH 14X by my trainer to help me during my resistance training. He told me that this would increase the release of growth hormones in my body which will help me in increasing my strength to perform better.
Usually, trainers and bodybuilders around me used steroids to bulk their muscles and increase their strength but I was aware of the side effects they may cause so, I avoided using them.
My trainer was aware of this, so he assured me that this product is not a steroid and would not harm my health rather would naturally trigger the release of essential hormones in my body.
He told me that HyperGH 14X is packed with essential amino acids that not only contribute to bodybuilding but also help in reducing the aging signs and improving the skin texture.
According to him, the product induces nitric oxide in the body which leads to vasodilation. This process makes sure that the muscles get enough nutrients and oxygen which strengthens the muscles.
He said that this can help me in reducing muscles soreness and fatigue which affects my performance during resistance training and will also help me in getting a better exercise output.
As per him, the product helps in sculpting the body in the desired shape by enhancing the protein synthesis in the body using the amino acids present in it.
This helps in building bulky and strong muscles. HyperGH 14X could help in increasing the T count that maintains a healthy composition, promotes muscle growth, and balances the working of the body.
He affirmed that he uses the product too and it has benefitted him in various ways while helping him in stacking his workouts and beefing up his muscles.
Personal Experience With HyperGH 14X
Without a doubt, I decided to use this product because my trainer has a finely well-toned physique with muscles that might rip out his shirt someday.
The best part of this product was that I did not have to make any changes in my diet and continued the high-protein diet suggested by my trainer.
The product initially affected my energy and boosted my stamina which was very helpful during my workouts. Slowly, my muscles were gaining strength that increased my endurance during the resistance training.
Over time, my recovery period was declining, this boosted my confidence and allowed me to add more reps and sets to my workouts and exercise for a little more time.
HyperGH 14X has helped me in powering up my workouts, improving my on-field performance, and enhancing my exercise output. It has been a few months of using this product and my muscles have grown inches.
Apart from building good muscles, this product also helps me in getting a sound and deep sleep that completely charges my body and boosts the overall functioning of my body.
I could feel the soothing effect this product has on my body, it relieves the stress from the workouts and elevates my mood. I enjoy my workouts and do not fear fatigue anymore.
With the regular usage of this product, my metabolic cycle has also improved and I think this is the reason that all the excessive fat has gone away. This has helped me in bringing out a better look at my muscles.
The product has caused no negative impacts on my health and my routine check-up reports have confirmed that there has been a significant rise in my T count since I am using HyperGH 14X.
Besides this, it has helped me in maintaining good health and improved my lifestyle.
Followed Dosage Of HyperGH 14X
My trainer directed me to consume 4 capsules of HyperGH 14X per day and divided them into two parts to optimize my benefits.
Therefore, I consumed 2 capsules in the morning before my workout and the remaining 2 capsules at night before heading to bed. This helped me in optimizing the HGH levels in my body during workouts and sleep as well.
You can find the same dosage on the official website of HyperGH 14X. I have and am still pairing these capsules with a proper diet and regular workouts to maximize my results.
Benefits Of Using HyperGH 14X
HyperGH 14X has smoothened my skin complexion, maintained a healthy functioning of vital organs, optimized my hormonal profile, and helped in giving the desired shape to my body without damaging it.
Based on the various benefits of this product on my body, I have categorized a few of them under the following heads-
Elevated T count
Testosterone count is very important not only to build muscles but also to ensure the overall well-being of the body and HyperGH 14X has helped my body in maintaining and increasing the T count, as shown in my reports.
Building Quality Gains
The regular consumption of HyperGH 14X has helped me in stuffing my muscles with nutrients and mass instead of fat. It has helped me in adding inches to them and giving them a puffy look.
Enhanced Strength
The release of HGH during the workouts helped me in strengthening my muscles, performing better, and getting the maximum results from my workouts.
Boosting Energy
The product has made it possible to stay energetic all day long. This improved my stamina, made me feel light and fresh and elevated my mood.
Improved Sleep Quality
It gave a soothing effect to my body, helped me in getting a sound sleep that gave sufficient rest to my body, and also increased the HGH release at night.
Reduced Recovery time
HyperGH 14X reduced the fatigue and soreness in the muscles and helped in the quick recovery of damaged tissues from the intense workouts that reduced my recovery time.
Side Effects Of HyperGH 14X
If you are thinking that HyperGH 14X had any side effects on my body then the answer is NO. This product is only improving my body and helping me in developing quality gains by retaining the lean mass.
To be clear, I have never overdosed on the product to get better or quicker results. The regular dosage is enough to give me rapid and desirable results from this product.
Wrap Up Of HyperGH 14X Review
To summarise my experience with HyperGH 14X, I would say that this product has helped me in gaining the strength that helped me in surviving my resistance training.
My muscles no more feel weak or fatigued from the intense workouts which have enhanced my endurance and allowed me to exercise more and maximize my workout outputs.
I am enjoying my gyming sessions with HyperGH 14X as it is helping me in building my dream body that will be display-worthy. This product also helps me in maintaining good health and slowing down aging.
So, I have decided to stick to this product, gain good results, and continue enhancing my physical performance and building good muscles.
+1 References/Sources
Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed researches, academic and medical institution studies.
- Hyun-Seok Oh, Se Kwan Oh, Jum Seek Lee, Chunyan Wu, Sung-Joon Lee. Effects of l-arginine on growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1. Food Sci Biotechnol. 2017; 26(6): 1749–1754. Published online 2017 Dec 12. doi: 10.1007/s10068-017-0236-6
- This article is for informational purposes only.
- This article does not intend on giving professional medical advice.
- These statements have not been evaluated by any FDA authority.
- In case of allergies or medical issues, it is advised to consult an expert before consuming any product.
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Michael has been in the male wellness industry for 25+ years. Before joining Working For Health as a full-time male wellness journalist, he contributed to multiple online portals in the male wellness field. Before that, he has been an assistant to several sexologists.