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RAD 140 Testolone Review By A Consumer


In This RAD 140 Testolone review, I will discuss some essential details about the compound. I have also added a detailed analysis of this SARM.

Apart from the detailed analysis in this RAD 140 Testolone review, I have added a user’s experience using the substance. So you will also be able to find out his results and will be able to know if RAD 140 Testolone worked for him or not.

Thus, if curiosity has brought you here, and you wish to know more about the compound, you might want to stay until the end of this RAD 140 Testolone review.

What Is RAD 140 Testolone?

RAD 140 Testolone is a compound that falls into the category of a SARM. It tries to imitate the function of testosterone in the body. The users of RAD 140 Testolone consider it one of the best SARM compounds out there in the market.

RAD 140 Testolone is an investigational selective androgen receptor modulator Radius Health, Inc. created for treatment in androgen replacement therapy. Thus, it was entirely made for therapeutic uses.

RAD 140 Testolone was developed to be used in this androgen replacement therapy, also known as testosterone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy, in which testosterone or androgen are replaced or supplemented exogenously.

RAD 140 was investigated to be used in the treatment of bones and muscles related conditions like muscle wasting and bone loss.

RAD 140 Testolone could provide an increase in energy and aid in muscle growth. Thus this made it a go-to choice for most bodybuilders and athletes to use it to enhance their athletic performance.

Sports professionals and bodybuilders state that this compound provides a smaller number of side effects in comparison to other anabolic steroids.

These users and other fans who believe in the effectiveness of RAD 140 Testolone consider it for their fitness goals, ignoring that this drug is still under investigation and has not been legally permitted to be used in most sports.

Is RAD 140 Testolone Legal?

Like many other SARMS, RAD 140 Testolone is added to the prohibited listed as a banned substance for all the athletes, and gaining access to it without proper authority is considered illegal.

RAD 140 Testolone is banned by USADA and other sporting organizations of different governments.

How Does RAD 140 Testolone Work?

RAD 140 Testolone tries to function similar to that of steroid, but the only difference in its functionality is that RAD 140 Testolone is a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator). Thus, it selectively targets the concerned tissues of the body.

Therefore, RAD 140 Testolone, in general terms, might target the androgen receptors concerned with the tissues of muscle and bones, thereby helping in their immediate and splendid enhancement.

As a result, lean muscle mass could grow rapidly, and while all this happens, the body may burn away all the fat. Not only this but the bones could also get strengthened as this compound effectively increases the bone density.

It tries to copy testosterone’s working mechanism, which is increasing muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis. Thus, with RAD 140 Testolone, the body might be able to develop more and fuller muscles.

RAD 140 Testolone may provide a two-way working mechanism. In one way, it targets the muscle tissues and provides an energy boost, enhancing training quality by strengthening muscles.

But it not only strengthens the muscles, but RAD 140 Testolone could also protect the muscles from ongoing damage caused after an intense exercise session.

In another way, RAD 140 Testolone might try to work for bone tissues. It was developed to treat bone conditions like osteoporosis by strengthening bones. Thus, stronger bones could mean fewer chances of injury during training sessions.

Thus, RAD 140 Testolone’s ability to provide quick benefits in a shorter time has gained much popularity among sports enthusiasts and bodybuilders.

Why RAD 140 Testolone?

The experience mentioned here belongs to one of my friends who consumed RAD 140 for the first time. RAD 140 was recommended to him by his trainer at the local gym.

Below are his own words.

Being a firefighter is not an easy job as this job requires a lot of physically laborious tasks. Other than being in constant proximity to fire, physically demanding tasks like climbing ladders, rescuing people from considerable heights, and much more.

You may know that a firefighter professional undergoes harsh situations in which he has to rescue people from burning cars, buildings, and whatnot. So for that, immense strength and overall fitness are considered the topmost priority.

While I love my job, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, my physical stamina always comes in the way, and I always fail to ace my working ability, and the field runs and stuff are passed on to other fire crew members.

Thus, I decided to change my physique, put on some muscles, and be so ready for field jobs that I would become the first choice for rescue operations and may become the crew head too.

For this reason, I started working out in the mornings and going out for runs in the evenings. These changes in my routine made me an active individual, but bodyweight workouts and runs weren’t enough for me, and I felt I needed proper guidance.

Hence, I joined the gym, and there started my fitness journey. The trainer was a jovial guy who listened to all my problems and assured me that I would become a stronger person with great strength and impressive muscles.

I was impatient with my progress and used to pester my trainer regarding the workouts.

He changed my diet but asked me to stay consistent with it, eliminate all the junk food, and add whole food sources and high protein to my diet.

Not to miss, I also started to minimize my smoking habit. According to my trainer, smoking and sexual health do not go hand in hand. The research also shows that tobacco reduces testosterone levels.

After a few weeks, I wasn’t experiencing any changes in my appearance, nor was I progressing in the gym, so I asked my trainer if he could suggest me something else that could jumpstart my transformation.

So, my trainer suggested that the diet and the exercise alone would work for my goals, and I needed something extra and a push from some outer source that would facilitate my goals and provide quicker results.

That is when he suggested I try RAD 140 Testolone. He told me that it was effective in providing substantial muscle gains as it helps to bulk. Not only this, but it could also increase strength and endurance.

Being on a strict work schedule, I hardly used to get enough time for my regular workout, so as soon as I got to know about RAD 140 SARM, As soon as my trainer told me about its functionality, I nodded a yes to it and asked him to arrange the compound for me.

My trainer arranged RAD 140 Testolone for me, and he handed me over within a few days only. I was excited to try it on as I had to up my physical fitness game for my rescue work and had to make my leader notice me for my physical capabilities.

Read my experience with RAD 140 Testolone below as I unveil everything I dealt with, along with its use.

RAD 140 Testolone Review: Usage Experience

The first few weeks of my consumption cycle went by like every other day, and I experienced no change I would feel the need to mention here.

After the start of the third week into my RAD 140 Testolone cycle, I started experiencing significant changes concerning my strength levels; For a beginner, such impressive strength progress was astonishing to me.

I could clock in more reps, and not only this, every set looked like a warm-up set for me. Thus, I could work out with more power, which made me a bit more dedicated to my workout routine.

Over and above that, my food cravings skyrocketed. This was when my gym trainer advised that I could take help from healthy snacks such as high-protein snacks and healthy high-fat foods.

But the excitement and happiness did not last long, and one day while I was doing my routine work with the crew members, I felt an immense pain in my abdomen that went straight around my whole stomach.

The pain was scorching enough, and I even started vomiting, so I was rushed to the hospital nearby, and my crew members got me admitted. The doctor ran a few tests while I was passed out.

Upon my test results, my doctor told me that I had some severe issues of liver toxicity, because of which I was experiencing excruciating pain in my stomach.

Upon asking about my daily routine and meals, I told my doctor about the addition I made to my training routine, which was RAD 140 Testolone, and my doctor warned me about the usage of the product, saying it is a prohibited substance banned by WADA.

I had been following a clean and healthy diet for a few months and was baffled when I learned that my condition was because of the substance I started taking without having proper information about it.

To shine as a distinguished crew member and impress my leader with my physical strength and abilities, I switched to a shortcut, which landed me into so much trouble and health problems.

Therefore, I stopped taking RAD 140 Testolone and my doctor strictly advised me not to plan on taking it ever, even in the future, as it didn’t work for me; instead gifted me with so many side effects.

RAD 140 Testolone Dosage

For a beginner like me, or what I followed, the RAD 140 Testolone dosage was 10mg daily along with my meals and workouts.

A dosage of 20mg per day for ten weeks could be considered for a professional or experienced bodybuilder.

I also had people in my gym that used it twice a day, they divided it and consumed it twice daily to avoid any adverse effects on the body.

Side-Effects Of Taking RAD 140 Testolone

Apart from what I mentioned that I experienced above, there are several other potential side effects of taking RAD 140 Testolone. The side effects of RAD 140 Testolone and other anabolic steroids may include these.

One can find other details regarding the substance here.

  • Liver Toxicity

    This one side effect was experienced by me when acute stomach ache became unbearable, and pain progressed to my entire abdomen area. Thus, RAD 140 Testolone causes liver toxicity if used for a prolonged period.

  • Mood Swings/Depression

    Another side effect of using RAD 140 Testolone can be episodes of depression and mood swings caused by unbalanced hormone levels when the body can’t adapt to disturbed testosterone levels.

  • Nausea/Vomiting

    Prolonged usage of RAD 140 Testolone could cause side effects like nausea and vomiting due to indigestion of the substance of an underlying liver problem developed as a side effect of the usage of RAD 140 Testolone.

Other problems faced by the users of RAD 140 Testolone include hair loss, breast growth in men, decreased sex drive, and mood disorders.

RAD 140 Testolone Alternate

After experiencing all those adverse effects of taking RAD 140 Testolone for my goals, I decided to never rely on or trust anyone else regarding any product.

Upon recovering, I first started looking for natural supplements that could be beneficial for me but would not cost me my health.

I was still desperate enough to change my physique and become super strong and bulky. During my research over the internet, I discovered TESTOL 140 by CrazyBulk.

According to the official website, TESTOL 140 was a safer alternative for RAD 140 Testolone. Moving on to their official text, and believe me, I was impressed when I read about their natural ingredient-based product formulation.

As a result, I decided to try it after a thorough research as I had to stand out among my crew members and be the number one choice for my team leader for the rescue operations.

Thus, I ordered TESTOL 140 and began with its consumption.

I must say that after a decent few weeks, I could feel a lot of difference in gains as I could see my t-shirts filling out of muscles.

After usage of 4 months, I was able to develop lean muscles and had become stronger than ever before. It impressed my leader, and he awarded me the best crew member of the month award. I was on cloud nine.

With regular usage of TESTOL 140, I developed more energy and stamina, stood long hours at rescue locations without even being tired, and never ran out of power.

It also helped boost my natural testosterone levels, which allowed me to lift more and develop more muscles and strength, providing me with an increased sex drive as well.

I also focused on clean eating habits and made it a habit of working out regularly. My determination to work out regularly with proper high protein meal diets and TESTOL 140 regular usage helped me achieve my goals.

The addition of fish to my diet also could have played a major role. As benefits of eating fish are immense. It could have fulfilled my omega 3 requirements and other vital vitamins.

Overall, I was impressed with my TESTOL 140 results and have planned on sticking to natural ingredient-based products like this one in the future so that I may be free from any harmful effects.

Natural Changes Made In Daily Life

Apart from regular usage of TESTOL 140, there were a few changes that I added to my daily which further facilitated in achieving my goals.

Firstly, I tried on staying hydrated at all times as during strength training a lot of water is lost through sweating which could hamper the recovery of muscles resulting in insufficient growth of muscles.

Secondly, in order to gain muscle mass, I used to consume food that was sourced from whole foods most of the time. These unrefined foods consisted of fish, eggs, rice for weight loss, upma, and oats.

I also followed a plant-based diet for a short while so that my body doesn’t get adapted to any particular diet in general. More info can be found here.

Thirdly, I ate high protein breakfast and never skipped meals which helped in developing muscle mass along with my TESTOL 140 usage.

Fourthly, in order to avoid cravings, I used to eat my meals at fixed times which also helped in boosting my muscle mass. Apart from breakfast, lunch, and dinner, my pre-workout meals and post-workout meals were also carefully structured.

Final Words On This RAD 140 Testolone Review

Thus, to conclude this review, I could say that RAD 140 Testolone was the wrong choice for me as it proved dangerous for my health, and I would never think of trying it again.

It may cause damage to internal organs, and one should avoid a substance like that at all costs.

RAD 140 Testolone is not approved for regular human consumption and is available only for research and medical purposes, so it wouldn’t be wise to try this compound for any fitness goal and expose yourself to its future side effects.

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