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Ostarine (MK2866) Review: An Honest Consumption Experience Revealed


Are you living in a dilemma if Ostarine MK2866 is an effective substance or not? Well, I have tried my best to answer the queries and doubts regarding the Ostarine MK2866 review.

Also, in this Ostarine MK2866 review, I have compiled an Ostarine MK2866 consumption story of my brother, who was desperate enough to transform himself to get into the college hockey team.

Thus, along with his consumption results, I have gathered some basic details about the substance’s working mechanism in this Ostarine MK2866 review.

What Is Ostarine MK2866?

Ostarine MK2866, also known as Enobosarm, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). GTx, Inc was the one that developed this substance.

GTx, Inc. is a pharmaceutical company founded in 1997 in Memphis by Mitch Steiner and Marc S. Hanover. It works on drugs in the Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) and Selective androgen receptor modulator SARM categories.

Initially, Ostarine MK2866 was developed to treat muscle-wasting conditions such as the loss of skeletal muscle mass and other diseases like osteoporosis.

According to the users, Ostarine MK2866 could produce anabolic steroid-like effects and assist them in their training by increasing their stamina and fitness levels.

Athletes and other users of Ostarine MK2866 claim that this substance helped them increase body mass and decrease body fat. Thus, they regard Ostarine MK2866  as the best SARM available in the consumption market.

According to the believers, Ostarine MK2866 could enhance endurance levels, making it more accessible for its user to stay for long workout sessions and perform exercises without exhaustion.

World Anti-Dope Agency banned Ostarine MK2866 in 2008. It is also added to the banned list of substances by the government.

Is Ostarine MK2866 A SARM?

Ostarine is considered an investigational SARM or Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. As I mentioned above, it is also known by the name Enobosarm, created for treating muscle-wasting conditions.

One must note that Ostarine MK2866 never passed the phase II and phase III clinical trials. Thus, it has never been available as a prescription drug.

Being a SARM, Ostarine MK2866 may have a muscle-building ability, making it a prevalent drug among bodybuilders and athletes.

They prefer using it for quick results concerning muscle growth by enhancing training ability and torching away fat.

Ostarine MK2866 Legal Status

Ostarine MK2866 is not approved for human consumption in the U.S. or any other country as it is prohibited at all times under the category of S1 Anabolic Agent on the WADA restricted list.

Nobody can prescribe Ostarine MK2866 for any medical treatment as more clinical trials are required before the general public can use it.

Having said that, the FDA has always warned against using SARMs or SARMs-like substances. On the other hand, the FDA has also issued letters to companies that have been using SARMs in their products and miss-selling them.

The details can be found on this page, here, and here.

How Does Ostarine MK2866 Work?

Ostarine MK2866 tries to work by binding with the androgen receptors that bind with androgen hormones like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone.

This substance could mimic the role of testosterone in the body. Testosterone’s function is to bind to androgen receptors in muscles to assist in protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Ostarine Mechanism

When it does so in the bones, it could make them stronger and fall less exposed to bone-weakening conditions.

Ostarine MK2866 could help enhance endurance levels as it combines with the protein to make you work out harder for more extended hours, thereby assisting in developing bigger muscles.

Ostarine MK2866 is designed to work like testosterone and may aid in promoting and maintaining libido, male fertility, and muscle growth and could help increase strength.

The users of Ostarine MK2866 also believe that this substance could help make them work out with more intensity, and they also think that it could help them recover quickly during and after their workouts.

Consumption Experience With Ostarine MK2866

This consumption journey belongs to my brother, who was eager to join the college hockey team. But, one of the wrong decisions landed him in a problematic situation that only made him regret it later.

He has always loved watching hockey matches from a very young age, and his dream was to be selected as a team player on the college hockey team. But he knew that hockey required a lot of stamina, willpower and strength, and regular hours of practice.

Keeping this in mind, he started practicing daily with as many people as possible. In addition, he tried to learn games from different perspectives, thereby working on his skills.

He also tried attending hockey matches and witnessing the professionals in action learn their game. He also tried to observe how they reacted to different situations. Then, finally, he tried applying those principles to work on his gaming style.

And for developing strength and power, he secured a gym membership. However, his skills were improving with regular practice, and gym workouts weren’t doing any good as he could not improve his muscle size or enhance his stamina.

Even after including leg exercises to improve leg power like squats and wall presses, he was unable to improve his power and strength, leading him to bad levels of frustration.

On the other hand, he loved doing cardio and high-intensity exercises. In his free time,  he also indulged in shoulder workouts at home as his coach wanted him to pay special attention to his shoulders for long scoops and other shots requiring strength.

Thus, a chum suggested he try Ostarine MK2866. According to him, the substance could help him gain stamina, by which he could work out more and build more strength and huge muscles.

To be sure enough of the substance’s usage, my brother asked if he was suggesting he try a steroid. His friend brushed away the thought, saying Ostarine MK2866 was a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator(SARM).

He told my brother that it would give quick results in muscle growth but without any anabolic steroid side effects. He also added that he might experience mild side effects with proper dosage, but they could be quickly addressed.

He also proclaimed to my brother that Ostarine MK2866  could help improve his game with an impressive development of muscles with increased stamina and strength.

My brother thought it was a win-win situation for him, and as he was yearning to get on the college hockey team, he thought of giving Ostarine MK2866 a try. So, my brother asked his buddy to purchase the product he bought within a few days.

Ostarine MK2866 Review

My brother began taking Ostarine MK2866 as soon as his friend got it. Being a total newbie to this supplement consumption world, he started with a small dosage and decided to increase it if it showed positive results.

To his surprise, Ostarine MK2866 started working on him from the first week. As a result, he was able to feel full of energy during his workouts and was even able to recover quicker than ever before.

A significant improvement in his strength which he could not gain when he started working out, was now a usual thing for him. He increased his explosive power while performing squats and sprints with his Ostarine MK2866 dosage.

Everything was moving smoothly for him, but after a few weeks into his Ostarine MK2866 consumption, he started experiencing a messed-up sleep schedule with frequent episodes of an upset stomach, making him skip his practice game sessions.

After the third week of his Ostarine MK2866 cycle, things got much worse for him as he was in constant stomach pain. Also, improper meals and inadequate sleep made him extraordinarily exhausted and drained his energy.

One day, when my brother was about to get all prepped up for the practice session, he almost fainted and even puked upon gaining consciousness. I felt this was pretty serious, so I took him to the doctor to figure out the central issue of his condition.

I explained everything to the doctor about what and how he had been consuming Ostarine MK2866. The doctor ran a few tests, and post that, he informed me that FDA had banned Ostarine MK2866, and the adverse effects could be hazardous.

He even enlightened my brother that the product has been added to the prohibited list and might even get jailed based on the doping tests if it comes positive for Ostarine MK2866 usage.

My brother was utterly shocked that taking a substance just because his buddy invited him to try without appropriately enquiring about it would have killed his dream of joining the college hockey team.

The reports were a shocker, too, as his T-levels were suppressed, and the substance had also adversely affected his liver.

His doctor advised him to stop taking Ostarine MK2866 immediately and prescribed him heavy medicines to reverse the damage caused to his health by the Ostarine MK2866 cycle.

Ostarine MK2866 Dosage

Ostarine MK2866 dosage per day for adults could be between 10-20mg daily as per professional people who have been ardent Ostarine MK2866 users.

They have also mentioned following a mild dose in case you’re bulking, whereas they suggest taking a bit higher of the Ostarine MK2866 dosage for cutting.

Thus, being an experimental drug, taking Ostarine MK2866 is a risky business, so it could be safer to follow a softer approach for the same as higher doses could cause side effects.

Ostarine MK2866 Side Effects

As I have mentioned, my brother’s experience with Ostarine MK286 faced painful side effects of using the drug for his quick results, which made him land in the hospital rather than on the college hockey team.

  • Liver Toxicity

     Ostarine MK2866 damaged my brother’s liver. According to the doctors, he was suffering from a fatty liver issue. At the same time, his liver enzymes got messed up to the level that caused him frequent vomiting and even loss of appetite.

    This paper also talks more about Ostarine and liver issues.

  • Suppression In Natural Testosterone Levels

    Although he faced a few of the symptoms of low testosterone but never really paid proper attention to them until this incident, his testosterone test reports confirmed that Ostarine MK2866 had adversely affected his testosterone levels. Because of this, he was experiencing fatigue and decreased levels of strength when he performed his exercises or even during his hockey practice.

  • Disturbed Stomach

    Constant pain had developed in his upper abdomen due to indigestion as he could not eat his meals which all added to his damaged liver condition.

  • Hairfall

    Another side effect of Ostarine MK2866 experienced by my brother was the hormonal imbalance which led to hair thinning and later resulted in hair loss.

All of this made me furious and sad at the same time. As a result, I decided that I should talk to his college mates, after which I got to know there were a few users in the past who had experienced side effects like hyperpigmentation and acne by the end of their Ostarine MK2866 cycle.

Therefore, I would say that Ostarine MK2866 worked for my brother but only for a short while and adversely affected him when he continued his cycle for a few more weeks. So, he would never try taking another substance without complete information and supervision.

Ostarine MK2866 Alternative

My brother is a tough nut to crack. As a result, upon recovering, he resumed his training and hockey practice sessions as he was still determined to join the college hockey team.

But this time, he got highly cautious about who he took his suggestions. So he hired a trainer and asked him to structure his workouts according to his game goals and create a proper meal plan.

His trainer made him aware of foods high in zinc, as consuming zinc is one of the ways to increase testosterone naturally.

On the other hand, his trainer helped him with his workouts, and he started feeling better and more energetic. Still, the trainer advised him that nutrition and exercise weren’t just enough for his desired goals, and he needed to facilitate his workout with something more.

That’s when his trainer introduced him to Osta 2866. He exclaimed that he had been an active user of the product, which has caused him no harmful effects. On the contrary, he was able to get stronger and bigger muscles with its regular usage.

He claimed that the product was based on all-natural ingredients, so he needed to worry about the side effects as he had been using the same and never faced any painful outcomes.

My brother thoroughly researched the product on their official website and figured it was a safer alternative to Ostarine MK2866 and could mimic its effects without any adverse consequences.

Thus, when he started taking Osta 2866, he progressed well in his game style and developed a good amount of strength and explosive power. He also strengthened and grew impressive lean muscle mass with regular usage.

For such positive results, my brother has decided to stick to Osta 2866 so that he may be able to develop the strength and skills to be selected for the college hockey team.

Other Changes That Helped My Brother

There were some natural ways that my brother included in his daily life that added to enhancing his overall gameplay.

He included a lot of leg workouts in his everyday sessions that improved his leg strength. Squats, wall presses, and lunges were the essential exercises that he specially added to his workout schedule.

Apart from this, he attended many hockey matches to better understand the game and witness how players react to different situations.

He switched to eating a high protein diet so that it would help him increase his strength and develop fuller muscles. My brother developed a very disciplined routine and religiously followed it.

Final Words In Ostarine MK2866 Review

To summarize my exclusive Ostarine MK2866 review, I would like to mention that the substance worked for a short while for my brother, but it turned out to be a bad deal for him because that came with such dangerous after effects.

Now that he knows a lot of details about Ostarine MK2866, including its dangerous side effects, he has decided never to try Ostarine MK2866  or any SARM ever, even if he tries to gain quick results in the coming future.

However moderate the progress he might achieve, he would never choose the shortcut to achieve his body goals.


  • The information given in this review is general and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining medical advice.
  • Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional medical treatment because of what you read or accessed through this review.
  • The results are personal and may vary from individual to individual.
  • Please consult your doctor if you have underlying medical conditions or are on any prescribed medicines before using any product.

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