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6 Vitamins For Hair Loss


There are a plethora of reasons behind hair loss, like a humid scalp, excessive sweating, and the what not.

However, amongst these reasons, the most significant one is the lack of nutrition and certain vitamins in your diet.

So, if you have tried out all the supplements and are still not able to prevent hair fall, then it may be time to modify your diet.

The simple reason behind this is that eating a well-balanced diet with all the 13 essential vitamins could help to maintain your health.

Though there are no particular vitamins that can increase the growth of your hair, the deficiency of certain vitamins can, for sure lead to hair loss.

If you do not consume the essential vitamins through your diet, then it could even lead to a hair loss issue referred to as telogen effluvium.

The major symptom of this condition is hair loss. However, fortunately, you can get relief from this symptom by adding the right vitamins to your diet.

So if you are looking out for the best vitamins that can evade the issue of hair loss, then you are at the right place.

So let’s have a look at the different vitamins that can facilitate hair growth and help you to evade the issue of hair loss.

Best Vitamins for hair loss

Here are certain much-needed vitamins which you must add to your diet to prevent hair loss-

  1. Vitamin A

    With a plethora of health benefits, Vitamin A is a crucial vitamin that could facilitate proper cell growth and hence prevent[1] hair loss.

    First of all, this vitamin could help to fight the free radicals in your body that can lead to hair loss.

    Other than this, it can even produce sebum in the scalp that will avoid any dryness in your head.

    No wonder why it keeps your hair moisturized and hence makes you less prone to hair fall.

    However, one crucial element to remember here could be that excess vitamin A might lead to toxicity and hence in turn amplify your hair loss.

    Due to this, you should be very crucial while adding this vitamin to your diet and regulating the amount you consume.

    Some of the great sources of Vitamin A could include-

    • Beef
    • Liver
    • Milk
    • Eggs
    • Tomatoes,
    • Red Bell Pepper
    • Fish Oil
    • Kale
    • Spinach
    • Broccoli
    • Pumpkin
    • Sweet Potatoes.

    However, the recommended[2] dietary intake of vitamin A could be approx 3000 IU for adult men and 2333 IU for adult women.

    Any deficiency of this vitamin could cause symptoms of hair loss and even other issues like cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s disease, alcoholism, and so on.

    Other than this, consuming higher than the normal levels of this vitamin could even lead to vitamin A toxicity.

    This toxicity of vitamin A includes[3] symptoms like. dry skin and dry hair, bone pain, nausea and vomiting, and sensitivity to bright light like sunlight.

  2. Biotin or vitamin B7

    If the primary reason behind your hair fall is due to thin hair, then biotin or vitamin B7 is one of the best vitamins that you could add to your diet. It could also be referred to as one of the vitamins for hair loss.

    Generally, thinning of hair is always due to weak hair, which results in more hair fall. However, if your body lacks[4] biotin, you may be unable to create red blood cells in an adequate amount.

    Due to the same reason, your scalp and the hair follicles will get less oxygen, hence less nourishing. Moreover, any deficiency of biotin might even result in a common hair loss issue known as alopecia.

    No wonder you must get the right amount of biotin from your diet. Certain sources of this vitamin B7 may include-

    • Yogurt
    • Walnuts
    • Milk
    • Egg Yolk
    • Cheese
    • Peanuts
    • Almonds.

    However, if you wish to add a biotin supplement to your diet, make sure to consult your healthcare provider.

    The reason behind this is that most Biotin supplements have an excess amount of this vitamin, due to which they might sometimes become toxic.

    having said all that, you might want to note that there are a number of biotin side effects as well.

  3. Iron

    According to this study,[5] there is a link between hair loss in women and iron deficiencies.

    This research was gathered on the fact how Iron could help to bolster your circulation and help in the movement of oxygen in the cells of the body.

    So if your body lacks iron, then it could significantly reduce[6] the amount of hemoglobin produced.

    This in turn will reduce the oxygen delivered to your hair follicle and the scalp and hence lead to hair loss.

    So you must adhere to the recommended intake of Iron through your daily foods. Certain sources are high in Iron, like lentils, spinach, or red meat.

    However, in case you are at risk of iron deficiency, then you can even add iron supplements to your diet.

    But consult your healthcare provider about the recommended intake of these supplements.

  4. Vitamin D

    According to this study,[7] adults should get approximately 15 micrograms of vitamin D in a single day.

    Since it is very difficult to adhere to this limit, you should have 30 to 60 nanograms of vitamin D per liter.

    Any deficiencies in this vitamin might be related to hair loss. Different food sources can amplify the amount of this vitamin in your body, like-

    • Egg Yolks
    • Fortified Milk
    • Fish Like Salmon
    • Mushrooms
    • Fortified Orange Juice.

    Moreover, as you must know, one of the biggest sources of vitamin D is Sunlight. Vitamin D plays a key role[8] in the absorption of calcium.

    However, when you get vitamin D from sunlight, make sure to wear sunscreen so that exposure to too much sun may not lead to skin damage.

    You can even purchase certain vitamin D supplements, but it is crucial to consult your doctor before doing so.

  5. Vitamin C

    The major function of Vitamin C is to help[9] your gut in absorbing iron.

    Hence, Vitamin C can increase the amount of iron content in your body, maintain[10] your immunity, and hence make your hair stronger.

    Being a robust antioxidant, Vitamin C may even help to amplify the blood circulation in your body and could be effectively used as a vitamin for energy. Vitamin C is also essential[11] for the development of the biosynthesis of collagen.

    Collagen is an important part of the hair structure due to which vitamin C might be required for stimulating hair growth.

    This means enough oxygen is sent to your hair follicles and scalp, which can facilitate hair growth.

    Some of the good sources of vitamin C may include-

    • Leafy Green Vegetables
    • Bell Peppers
    • Citrus Fruits Like Oranges Or Lemons.

    You can even opt for the vitamin C supplements that are available online after consulting your healthcare provider.

  6. Vitamin B12.

    Also referred to as cobalamin, Vitamin B12 is another vitamin deficiency that might enhance the rate of hair loss.

    To avoid any risk, you should make sure that there is no deficiency of this vitamin in your body.

    The average recommended[12] intake of Vitamin B12 for adults is approximately 2.4 micrograms per day.

    Besides affecting the health of your hair, the deficiency of this vitamin can lead to issues like anemia, Crohn’s disease, or even certain immune system disorders.

    To adhere to the daily limit of vitamin B12, you can get it from certain food sources like-

    • Beef
    • Pork
    • Ham
    • Milk
    • Cheese
    • Yogurt
    • Eggs
    • Lamb
    • Poultry


Thus, these were a few essential lists of vitamins that are crucial to preventing hair loss.

The sooner you address your hair loss issue, the lesser will be the irreversible damage.

So from now on, pledge to include all these vitamins in your diet because when you can’t fix hair loss issues with other tips, your diet may be the major issue.

Moreover, you should know that a healthy scalp is a major reason behind healthy hair growth, so make sure that your scalp and hair follicles receive enough blood circulation.

This can be possible only when you provide them with all the required vitamins that can create a thriving environment for the scalp.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Hind M. Almohanna, Azhar A. Ahmed, John P. Tsatalis, et al. The Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Hair Loss: A Review. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2019 Mar; 9(1): 51–70. Published online 2018 Dec 13. doi: 10.1007/s13555-018-0278-6
  2. Vitamin A. Available from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/vitamin-a/
  3. Vitamin A and Carotenoids. Updated: June 15, 2022. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminA-HealthProfessional/
  4. Biotin. Last reviewed – 08/19/2021. Available from https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/natural/313.html#Effectiveness
  5. Song Youn Park, Se Young Na, Jun Hwan Kim, et al. Iron Plays a Certain Role in Patterned Hair Loss. J Korean Med Sci. 2013 Jun; 28(6): 934–938. Published online 2013 Jun 3. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2013.28.6.934
  6. Iron and iron deficiency. Available from https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/iron
  7. Vitamin D. Updated: June 2, 2022. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminD-Consumer/
  8. Vitamin D.Updated: June 2, 2022. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/vitamind-healthprofessional/
  9. S R Lynch, J D Cook. Interaction of vitamin C and iron. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1980;355:32-44.doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1980.tb21325.x. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6940487/
  10. Anitra C. Carr1 and Silvia Maggini. Vitamin C and Immune Function. Nutrients. 2017 Nov; 9(11): 1211. Published online 2017 Nov 3. doi: 10.3390/nu9111211
  11. Vitamin C. Updated: March 26, 2021. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminC-HealthProfessional/
  12. Vitamin B12. Updated: July 7, 2021. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-Consumer/

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