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Best Fat Burners For Weight Loss


Everybody dreams about a lean physique. But, on the flip side, most people also love to eat. As a result, striking a balance between eating and maintaining a decent physique could become challenging.

Using a fat burner might be able to help your body in reducing fat levels. But again, the problem lies in choosing a decent fat burner for yourself.

Taking away the burden of research when looking for a decent fat burner, we have come up with a list of some of the best fat burners per our own usage experience and research.

Best Fat Burners

The following are a few fat burners we have used on ourselves and reviewed individually. We included them in our daily lives, which assisted us in reducing fat levels.

Having said all that, you might want to note that we did not wholly make our bodies dependent upon their usage.

We also stuck to a balanced diet and a regular exercise routine that also significantly reduced our fat levels.

The same should be followed if one consumes any fat-loss substances. Not to miss, we also took advice from medical professionals before consuming any substances during this experimental phase of our body.

  1. PhenQ

    According to the official website, PhenQ is a cutting-edge fat-burning system that could help achieve different fitness goals.

    Per manufacturers, PhenQ is formulated using high-quality, scientifically proven, and thoroughly tested natural ingredients.

    According to the official website details, PhenQ could be used by men and women who wish to lose weight by managing it.

    According to the maker’s claims, the PhenQ formula might help burn away fat, and by controlling appetite, the makers believe it could help you consume lesser calories.

    The producers of PhenQ also believe that it may help support metabolic health throughout the weight loss journey.

    Furthermore, the manufacturers also proclaim that PhenQ might help reduce fat accumulation, making its users feel slimmer.

    Moving on to the working mechanism, the makers claim that Phenq might work by helping in weight loss through the potent mix of ingredients like caffeine and nopal cactus.

    Caffeine in PhenQ may help[1]might help in keeping the energy levels high while providing a good amount of alertness and focus.

    According to this study[2], the Nopal cactus, on the hand, could help in losing weight as the fiber binds to the dietary fiber and consume lesser energy. 

    Not to miss, PhenQ is also considered one of the best diet pills on the market by its believers.

    Benefits Of PhenQ

    • It May Helps In Burning Fat– PhenQ makers claim that their product could benefit in burning fat, aiding in weight loss, and achieving fitness objectives.
    • It May Reduce Fat Accumulation– Another benefit that one could derive from PhenQ is that the makers have included Capsimax, which might help Reduce excessive fat storage.
    • It May Suppress Appetite– One of the significant benefits of the makers is that PhenQ might help curb appetite by making you consume fewer calories.
    • It May Boost Energy- PhenQ might also help elevate energy levels through natural caffeine and Capsimax powder that could supercharge you for the whole day.
    • It May Balance Mood– PhenQ, according to its producers, could benefit the user by improving mood even while consuming fewer calories.

    PhenQ Dosage Recommendation

    The manufacturers have suggested taking one PhenQ tablet with breakfast and another during lunch.

    They have further advised not to take more than the suggested amount.

    The makers have also suggested against using PhenQ after 3 pm as they say it might disrupt your sleep cycles.

    They have used caffeine in the formulation and other substances that could boost your energy levels.

    The makers have also advised limiting the intake of coffee and other caffeinated beverages while taking PhenQ in case you are sensitive to caffeine.

  1. Leanbean

    Leanbean, according to the manufacturers, is designed exclusively for women, that might help them shed their excess fat.

    As per the official website, Leanbean is a gluten-free and vegan fat burner that might help women achieve their dream physique by targeting their troubled weight gain.

    Leanbean is considered one of the best fat-burning supplements curated for women that the makers believe could provide increased energy levels without any hard stimulants.

    Additionally, they assert that Leanbean may aid in fat incineration through its inherent thermogenic properties, which may help women lose weight.

    According to the manufacturers, Leanbean was created exclusively for women who experience exhaustion and low energy levels.

    According to the creators, Leanbean may aid in boosting energy and concentration. Thus, they assert that raising vitamin levels may be advantageous for women who lack vitality.

    Leanbean may also benefit women who struggle with unneeded weight gain due to overactive appetites and cravings for food and junk.

    As per the working mechanism, Leanbean makers promise that it could help suppress hunger through an optimum amount of glucomannan per serving.

    Other ingredients, as per the official website, like caffeine, might help[1] increase energy levels and mood.

    The makers state that women might experience fatigue and tiredness that hinder exercise programs.

    Leanbean claims to tackle that by providing an energy boost that might help them push harder than ever before.

    Benefits Of Leanbean

    • Leanbean May Help In Weight Loss– According to the producers, Leanbean may help with appetite control and dealing with hunger cravings.
    • The user may consume fewer calories per day if they can manage their urges and may lose weight that way.
    • It May Manage Blood Sugar Levels- Another benefit of Leanbean is that it might help in average blood sugar concentrations through chromium picolinate present in its formulation.
    • It May Reduce Fatigue– Women might experience burned out and tiredness constantly. One of the benefits of Leanbean is that the makers claim it could improve alertness and performance.
    • It May Reduce Cravings– Another benefit, as asserted by the makers that Leanbean might help you put a full stop to ever-increasing cravings and help you lose unwanted weight.

    Leanbean Dosage Recommendations

    As per the official website, it is effortless to take Leanbean.

    The makers have recommended consuming two capsules with water three times daily, which amounts to 6 tablets.

    They further add that for best results, Leanbean should be taken with at least 8oz water 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    The manufacturers have also suggested reaping all the benefits; the dosage should be taken throughout the day, per their recommendations.

  1. Instant Knockout-For Men

    According to the official website, Instant Knockout Cut is a powerful fat burner developed for men that can supercharge metabolism and melt stubborn belly fat.

    According to the manufacturers,  Instant Knockout Cut could boost energy that may help the user sustain powerful and intense workout sessions.

    Instant knockout Cut is a fat burner designed for men to help them shed away fat quickly and at a faster rate.

    According to the makers, Instant Knockout Cut could help increase the metabolic rate even while at rest, torching away fat throughout the day.

    The Instant Knockout Cut, as per the manufacturers, is a vegetarian and vegan-friendly fat-burning product that may help in revealing your sculpted physique.

    The makers claim that Instant Knockout Cut contains the highest quality ingredients that may help suppress appetite and increase metabolism.

    While the functioning is concerned, the makers assert that Instant Knockout Cut is a 2-in-1 fat burner.

    While in one way, Instant Knockout Cut provides speedy results by suppressing appetite through Glucomannan present[3] in the formulation.

    Secondly, Instant Knockout Cut works by providing metabolic support and providing the body quick and faster thermogenic boost.

    Benefits Of Instant Knockout Cut

    • Reduces Hunger Cravings- Instant Knockout Cut might benefit the user by suppressing the cravings, making them eat less and lose weight.
    • Boosts Energy- Another benefit that one might derive from taking Instant Knockout Cut is that it could boost energy and keep you active throughout the day.
    • Boost Natural Metabolic Rate–  One of the crucial benefits of Instant Knockout Cut is that it could boost metabolism rate even while at rest through potent ingredients.

    Instant Knockout Cut Dosage Recommendation

    The manufacturers have advised taking one capsule with a glass of water four times daily to get the best benefits.

    They have further suggested taking the first pill as soon as you get up, followed by the second pill between breakfast and lunch.

    The makers have also mentioned taking the third pill one hour after lunch and the fourth hour before dinner.

    The makers of Instant Knockout Cut have advised taking the last pill just five hours before going to bed to get practical and faster results.

  1. PrimeShred

    The manufacturers have marketed PrimeShred as a fast-acting whole body fat-burning product designed for men.

    According to the manufacturer, PrimeShred is a powerful and quick fat burner for men that has been clinically created to provide rapid weight loss and fast fat burning.

    According to the manufacturers, PrimeShred could help you build your most pleasing physique.

    They claim that the potent mix of tried-and-true substances will provide you with faster, all-over body fat burning and increase energy, mood, and mental clarity.

    As per the official website, PrimeShred claims to break the plateaus that may bring your body back into a fat-burning mode to get the scale moving once more.

    As far as its working procedure is concerned, the makers claim that PrimeShred enables you to lose weight rapidly, quickly, and permanently.

    The manufacturers believe that PrimeShred might enhance your body’s natural fat-burning mechanisms.

    It may try to do so by lowering triglyceride levels, which may help lower fat cells’ size through natural ingredients like caffeine, green coffee, and green tea.

    According to this study[4], green tea improves metabolic rate and a marginal reduction in body weight and good cholesterol levels.  

    Benefits Of PrimeShred

    • Boosts Energy– The energy-fuelling ingredients might help keep you up with your workouts and may make you stay focused during the session and throughout the day.
    • Increased Fat Burning– One of the benefits of PrimeShred is that it might help burn fat throughout the day and support thermogenesis.
    • Supports Metabolism– PrimeShred might help fire metabolism through the potent ingredients like cayenne pepper, green coffee, etc., present in it.
    • Improves Mental Focus– The makers claim that even while cutting back on calories could be frustrating, PrimeShred might help maintain focus throughout the day.

    Prime Shred Dosage Recommendation

    According to the manufacturers, PrimeShred should take 20 minutes before breakfast. They have advised taking three PrimeShred capsules before breakfast. The makers have further suggested taking PrimeShred on training and off-training days.

  1. Trimtone

    According to the official website, Trimtone is a pocket-friendly fat burner developed for women which could fire up fat loss and may help them achieve their fitness goals.

    The creators of Trimtone claim that their product is a natural fat burner that may promote thermogenesis, the process by which fats are transformed into energy.

    This procedure could accelerate your metabolism, which would aid in weight loss.

    The manufacturers of Trimtone claim that it could aid in all-day fat burning, enabling users to reach their weight loss objectives quickly.

    The manufacturers also suggest Trimtone, which can help you control your daily caloric needs for weight loss by reducing cravings and preventing you from giving in to hunger pangs.

    According to the manufacturers, Trimtone can help you avoid consuming excess calories that could undermine your efforts to lose weight.

    Moving on to the working procedure of Trimtone. The makers claim that Trimtone is made from only natural ingredients that could kickstart weight loss.

    They claim that the Trimtone recipe formulation is free of chemicals, fillers, and artificial elements.

    The component profile for Trimtone indicates that it contains caffeine, a stimulant that may boost[1], which may make you feel fuller and aid digestion.

    Benefits Of Trimtone

    • It May Burn Stubborn Belly Fat- Trimtone may help restore unwanted belly fat and help you lose weight.
    • It May Stop Cravings-  Another benefit of  Trimtone is that it may help in reducing hunger cravings and may help in controlling daily calorie intake.
    • It May Stimulate Metabolism– One of the benefits of Trimtone includes stimulating metabolism, which may speed up the fat burn and add to more calorie burn.

    Trimtone  Dosage Recommendations

    The manufacturers have recommended taking one Trimtone capsule daily, 30 minutes before breakfast, and 8 ounces of water.

    They have further suggested not to consume it in the evening for workouts as it contains caffeine.

  1. Phen24

    Per the official website, Phen24 is a 24-hour fat-burning formula formulated using clean, harvested ingredients.

    They claim that Phen24 could aid in dealing with late-night cravings, so in this way, Phen24 might make you eat fewer calories and help you lose weight.

    Per the official website, Phen24 is a two-step weight loss system in which the makers have advised taking different pills for day and night fat burning.

    According to the ingredient profile of Phen24, which includes distinct ingredient formulations for day and night that may target your metabolism 24 hours a day.

    The working of Phen24 is quite simple. According to the manufacturers, it works by stimulating metabolism and may help you lose weight.

    Phen24 claims to work by increasing metabolic rate that increases thermogenesis which may[5] further add to weight loss efforts.

    The makers state that the night system of Phen24 works differently than the day capsules.

    The Phen24 night capsules decrease cortisol levels, provide calmness, and may also suppress sugar cravings at night.

    Benefits Of Phen24

    May Work As Per Metabolic Levels– Phen24 may benefit the user by working to keep them active during the day and calming them down during the night.

    It could benefit while still working to keep metabolism high and aid in quicker weight loss.

    May Help In Weight Loss– One of Phen24’s most well-liked benefits is that it may be able to increase metabolism while working round-the-clock to aid in weight loss.

    May Promote Quality Sleep– The Phen24 Night formula does not contain stimulants, which may help you sleep well and maintain a healthy metabolism even when you’re dozing off.

    Phen24 Dosage Recommendations

    The manufacturers have recommended taking Phen24 each morning, along with your breakfast.

    The makers have added taking two capsules of Phen24 Night, every 15 minutes before your evening meal, along with one to two glasses of water.

    They have stated that as Phen24 Night doesn’t include any stimulants, using it at night won’t prevent you from falling asleep.

  1. Zotrim

    According to the official website, Zotrim is an appetite suppressant and a herbal weight loss aid designed for women.

    They claim that Zotrim helps to dial down your hunger cravings and bad eating habits.

    The information stated on the Zotrim website mentions that it could promote consuming fewer calories throughout the day.

    Additionally, Zotrim manufacturers claim that this herbal appetite suppressant for women could help improve metabolism.

    Guarana Seed Extract, one of the components taken into consideration throughout its production, may be able to assist you by giving your body a break so it can use the energy produced by the fat loss.

    As per the official website, Caffeine is the other component used while formulating Zotrim.

    Zotrim contains potent antioxidants that may improve your weight loss results. Additionally, it might improve your mood.

    Additionally, it contains vitamin B3. By consuming it, your body may be able to regulate your mental wellness thanks to its inclusion in the Zotrim composition.

    Benefits Of Zotrim

    • May Control Hunger And Cravings– One of the benefits derived from using Zotrim is that it may help consume reduced calories and control hunger pangs.
    • May Help Losing Weight–  Another benefit that might be derived from taking Zotrim is that its regular consumption could control hunger, help in weight loss, and may keep it off for good.

    Zotrim Dosage Recommendations

    Zotrim manufacturers have suggested taking 2-3 pills a few minutes before meals with a full glass of water or a cool beverage.

    They have stated to take nine pills maximum daily and try to eat fewer portions at each meal.

  1. PhenGold

    According to the official website, PhenGold is a natural fat burner that could speed up weight loss naturally while helping you effectively lose weight.

    The manufacturers claim that PhenGold is a multi-action supplement created to boost the body’s natural capacity to burn fat and promote weight loss.

    The product’s creators claim that PhenGold may help suppress appetite and burn fat naturally, making it easier for the user to maintain a toned physique over time.

    According to its claims, a good diet, exercise, and frequent usage of PhenGold may help people lose weight and break through weight loss plateaus.

    The producers of PhenGold claim that doing so can speed up weight loss by raising metabolism. They also say that it can trigger potent hormones that burn fat.

    The users of PhenGold would feel fuller and be able to say no to junk food and high-calorie foods because, according to their claims, the supplement might help reduce appetite and cravings.

    The creators of PhenGold have stated that the supplement may attempt to function by boosting metabolism and promoting more rapid and effortless weight loss.

    A faster metabolism has various advantages, including[6] eliminating toxins from the body, giving you more energy, and controlling your weight.

    Manufacturers claim that PhenGold can make losing weight more enjoyable while enhancing mood, energy, and attention.

    The makers of PhenGold assert that it will speed up the body’s ability to burn fat since it contains ingredients like caffeine and Rhodiola that are thought to help break down resistant fat.

    Benefits Of PhenGold

    May Help In Weight Loss–  One of the benefits of PhenGold is that charging up metabolism and putting a stop to unnecessary cravings may help lose weight.

    May Control Appetite– PhenGold may make the user control eating junk and useless calories. It might make the weight loss process faster and easier.

    May Improve Your Mood– Another benefit of PhenGold is that while you consume lesser calories, you can still stay energized and maintain your focus.

    PhenGold Dosage Recommendations

    As per the dosage information on the official website, the makers have advised taking three PhenGold capsules every morning.

    They mention that the ideal way to consume PhenGold is 20 minutes before breakfast and workouts.

How Do We Decide On Fat Burners?

Fat burners are those nutrition products that might[7] work synergistically work to increase the metabolism rate in the body.

But just because thousands of fat-burning supplements are available on the market, it doesn’t mean all of them are worth trying.

Apart from natural products, various products might contain synthetic and harm your health.

Thus, it becomes essential to consider various essential factors before choosing fat burners or any other health products.

The following are a few aspects that could be considered when choosing a fat burner for their individual fitness goals-


Dosage is essential before starting the weight loss journey by using any fat burner or any other product.

Across the internet, the manufacturers claim that their products could help in losing weight and firing up metabolism.

With that being said, it has to be kept in mind that any product would work better only if taken as per the recommended[8] dosage of the manufacturers.

When taken in excess amounts, it would not help achieve speedy results. Rather, a dosage taken in excess could cause harmful effects on the body.

Proprietary Blend

A proprietary blend is a mix or blend that is sometimes included[9] in a product formulation and is mentioned in the products in additional detail.

It contains various ingredients without mentioning the proper measurements by including only the overall amount as a proprietary blend as a whole.

It could be said that a proprietary blend is a way to hide the ingredients present in the products by the manufacturers.

Thus, the quantity of each ingredient might be hidden, which could impact the success or effectiveness of any product.

Fat burners should not contain proprietary blends as they lack the specific amounts and what effect the mix would have on the body.

Thus, avoiding such products containing proprietary blends is best so you can be sure of what you are getting and in what amounts you are getting.


Pricing is an essential factor when selecting a fat burner.

If you don’t want to spend more on a product that could dig a hole in your pocket,  the price of a product is crucial.

Several products are available on the market with good outcomes at affordable prices, whereas many make faulty claims and overprice their products.

Therefore, it should be kept in mind while choosing a fat burner for your fitness goals how the product pricing has been done and what the ingredients are used.

Thus, thorough research is required, not only about the product but also the ingredients used and how that has affected the product’s pricing.

Customer Feedbacks

While choosing a fat burner, customer reviews should also be taken into account as they could reveal the real effectiveness of any product.

The number of positive or negative reviews might determine the actual working of any fat burner and whether it would be worth the purchase or not.

Moreover, customer feedbacks are also a great approach to assessing how long would any fat burner take to start working for weight loss.

How do Fat Burners Generally Work?

The working mechanism for most fat burners listed here highly depends on the ingredients the manufacturer has included. The fat loss process that is followed in most cases is natural.

As a result, you might want to make yourself aware of the working procedures of these fat burners. 

According to most manufacturers, below are some of the processes that occur when and if a consumer starts consuming any of these fat burners regularly.

Fat Oxidation

Fat oxidation, or more precisely, oxidation, is a method by which the body begins breaking down fat cells.

Fat oxidation occurs when there is a supply of fatty acids to healthy mitochondria in the presence of oxygen. The byproduct of this process is energy.

This process only occurs when our body signals a need for energy, or else the fatty acids are reserved and stored within our body, making us fatter and fatter.


In simple terms, the method by which the body produces heat is called thermogenesis. The stored fat could be converted into an energy source and stimulate metabolism.

The more the thermogenesis in the body, the higher the energy expenditure, which could also result in weight loss.

Moreover, obligatory thermogenesis is needed[10] for the proper functioning of the body and adequate metabolic processes.

According to this animal study[11], metabolic thermogenesis could help reduce fat and thermoregulation.

Thus, it could be said that fat burners consider using such ingredients In their formulation that may contribute to the process of thermogenesis and may help in weight loss.

Appetite Suppression

In simple language, appetite suppression controls what you eat and how much you eat. When you can control that, chances are that you might end up consuming fewer calories.

Therefore, consuming fewer calories could lead to weight loss if followed for a while.

According to this study[12], a reduction in appetite is linked to improving body weight management for people struggling with weight issues.

The manufacturers of various fat burners include appetite suppressants like glucomannan, caffeine, etc., that may help curb appetite and may help in weight loss.

When Should One Take Help From Fat Burner?

Fat burners are not any magic potion or pill that would help you lose weight. However, fat burners could assist you and act as a support system in your weight loss journey.

You need to make sure that you are following a balanced diet plan and have a decent exercise routine. Then only there are any chances you might be able to take benefits out of these fat burners substances.

On the dosage front, Fat burners could be consumed as per the given dosage and consumption method laid down by the manufacturers to reap maximum benefits.

The general rule for consuming fat burners is to take them first thing in the morning with water or any low-sugar drinks, as the metabolism is in the back seat all night.

Taking them in the morning could charge you up as they may also contain a few ingredients that might make you energized and ready for the day.

Fat burners could also be taken per the manufacturer’s recommended timings and dosage measurements.

But to achieve maximum progress and expect positive results, you should put in the effort by following a balanced diet and an exercise schedule and taking fat burners.

How Much Do The Fat Burners Cost?

Costs for fat burners might range from being economical to pricey.  Whereas their cost also depends on the ingredient formulation.

Many fat burners available on the market and online may cost little since they contain fillers and inferior ingredients.

On the other hand, many fat burners contain high-quality ingredients based on complete natural ingredient formulation.

The cost of these natural fat burners would depend on how natural the formulation is and whether they contain any fillers or synthetic ingredients. They may be safe to take.

So, it’s possible to say that the price of fat burners is determined by the ingredients utilized, how much of them have been used, and whether or not they contain any synthetics.

General Ingredients For Best Fat Burners

Let’s take a look at some general ingredients that could be used by the makers while formulating fat burners-


Caffeine is used while formulating fat burners as it is linked[7] with reducing BMI and may also help reduce weight and body fat.

According to this study[8], high caffeine consumption has been linked to leptin suppression in women and weight reduction through fat oxidation and thermogenesis.

This study[9] states that caffeine is a natural and bitter substance that could boost your central nervous system.

As per this info[9], caffeine could also help you feel more focused and may provide you with an energy boost.

Therefore, for its appetite-reducing properties and stimulating focus benefits, the manufacturers could consider caffeine to be used in fat burner formulations. 


Capsaicin is another substance that could be included by makers when selecting the ingredients for developing fat burners. 

Capsaicin is the substance that gives that spicy kick when you try to eat hot chili peppers and are said to be derived from cayenne peppers.

According to this research[10], those products containing capsaicin could help reduce body fat percentage and aid in reducing body fat. 

Additionally, those fat burners containing capsaicinoids may help[11] stimulate metabolism adding to more[12] calorie burn and weight management.

Capsaicin thus not only could help in firing up metabolism, but it might also aid[13] in appetite reduction and make you eat lesser throughout the day.

Thus, for the above and many other reasons, the manufacturers of different fat burners add capsaicin to the formulation. 

HMB (Hydroxymethylbutyrate)

Hydroxymethylbutyrate, or HMB, is naturally produced by the body.  HMB may help in stimulating protein synthesis. 

According to this analysis[14], hydroxymethyl butyrate may help increase the strength of skeletal muscles in active people working out. 

study[15] explains that hydroxymethyl butyrate could enhance exercise performance in novice and old people. 

Green Tea Extract

According to this study, green tea contains a generous amount of catechins, which could add to[16] weight loss properties entailed in green tea. 

It’s interesting to note that the manufacturers could include green tea extract while formulating their products as there is a combination of components like caffeine and catechins in green tea.

Hence, according to various studies, this gives green tea extract its weight loss effects when taken regularly. 

Your body burns calories during thermogenesis to digest food and generate heat. Thus, green tea elevates the process of thermogenesis. 

Green tea might[17] regulate hormones and improve metabolic profile, resulting in improved metabolism and burned calories. 

Thus, green tea extract could be a preferred choice by manufacturers to include in the formulation of fat burners. 

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

CLA or conjugated linoleic acid is a known name as it has been seen that it could positively affect body composition. 

CLA might be linked to reducing body fat and improving lean body mass. 

According to research[18] done on mice, Conjugated linoleic acid could be associated with reducing fat levels by increasing lipolysis and enhancing fatty acid oxidation. 

Apart from animal studies, a double-blind study[19] on humans also revealed that CLA might help reduce body fat. 

Thus, when choosing ingredients for developing fat burners, Conjugated linoleic acid could also be considered. 

How To Choose Best Fat Burners

to select the most efficient one, it should be determined which fat burner will improve exercise performance by keeping you engaged throughout the workout. 

Moreover, choosing a fat burner with a proper stimulant dosage, like caffeine, will help keep you alert throughout the workouts.

Additionally, it should be remembered that even though caffeine may aid in weight loss, too much of it can hurt a person’s ability to sleep peacefully.

Furthermore, selecting a fat burner is a choice that needs to be made after conducting adequate research and should not be made hastily.

Therefore, the best fat burner may be selected based on the components, price, and best times to take them. Let’s talk about it in more detail:


Ingredient formulation is essential for the success of any fat burner.  It is advisable to look for such fat burners or other products with a proper ingredient formulation. 

It is necessary to look for ingredients alone, and proper scientific research is done on them along with clinical evidence. 

Additionally, you should check for any underlying sensitivities that might develop due to any ingredient added in the formulation that you may not know of.

Thus, before using any fat burner, get yourself tested by a healthcare professional.


Another thing to be considered while choosing a fat burner is the timing. Generally, the manufacturers suggest taking fat burners in the morning. 

They could also suggest taking fat burners before meals to keep the fat-burning process going. 

It is advisable that fat burners or any other product should be taken as per the makers’ suggested timings.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid trying fat burners or other products without consultation with their medical professional. 


Another factor to be considered while choosing a fat burner is how much it costs and why it costs that much.

Pricing must be taken into account when choosing a fat burner.

Therefore, detailed research is necessary on the product, the ingredients employed, and how those have impacted the product’s price.

The cost of a thing is essential if you don’t want to spend more on it and risk burning a hole in your wallet.

There are numerous products on the market with effective results and reasonable prices, but many others overprice their products and make false claims.

Therefore, while selecting a fat burner for your fitness goals, you should analyze how the product pricing was done and what ingredients and amounts are involved.


These were some of the most common fat burners that have worked for us. As a result, we have shared our experiences.

This does not guarantee that the same substances may as well work for you. Hence, you need to make sure that you are consulting a medical professional before starting the consumption of any of the substances mentioned above or elsewhere.

Not to miss, you also need to go through all the ingredients mentioned by the manufacturer so that you can weed out any possible side effects with any particular ingredient mentioned in the ingredient list.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines, and our primary references include peer-reviewed research and academic and medical institution studies.

      1. Reza Tabrizi , Parvane Saneei, Kamran B Lankarani, et al. The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Meta-Analysis Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2019;59(16):2688-2696. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1507996. Epub 2018 Oct 18. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30335479/
      2. Ralf Uebelhack, Regina Busch, Felix Alt, et al. Effects of Cactus Fiber on the Excretion of Dietary Fat in Healthy Subjects: A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Clinical Investigation. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp. 2014 Dec; 76: 39–44. Published online 2014 Jun 21. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2014.02.001
      3. Joyce K. Keithley, Barbara Swanson, Susan L. Mikolaitis, et al. Safety and Efficacy of Glucomannan for Weight Loss in Overweight and Moderately Obese Adults. J Obes. 2013; 2013: 610908. Published online 2013 Dec 30. doi: 10.1155/2013/610908
      4. Nicole R Stendell-Hollis, Cynthia A Thomson, Patricia A Thompson, et al. Green Tea Improves Metabolic Biomarkers, not Weight or Body Composition: A Pilot Study in Overweight Breast Cancer Survivors. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2010 Dec; 23(6): 590–600. Published online 2010 Aug 27. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-277X.2010.01078.x
      5. A Belza 1, E Frandsen, J Kondrup. Body fat loss achieved by stimulation of thermogenesis by a combination of bioactive food ingredients: a placebo-controlled, double-blind 8-week intervention in obese subjects. Randomized Controlled Trial Int J Obes (Lond). 2007 Jan;31(1):121-30. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803351. Epub 2006 Apr 25. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16652130/
      6.  Can you boost your metabolism? MedlinePlus. 5/26/2020. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/ency/patientinstructions/000893.htm
      7. A E Jeukendrup , R Randell. Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism. Review Obes Rev. 2011 Oct;12(10):841-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00908.x. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21951331/
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  •  The information given in this review is general and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for obtaining medical advice.
  • Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional medical treatment because of what you read or accessed through this review.
  • The results are personal and may vary from individual to individual.
  • Please consult your doctor if you have underlying medical conditions or are on any prescribed medicines before using any product.

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