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Paneer: Know Its Nutritional Benefits And More


Paneer is among the favorite ingredients that you could use to prepare several delicious dishes. 

But, besides taste, the ingredient offers numerous nutrients and health benefits that make Paneer a healthy food option.

This article will cover all the essential details of Paneer, including its benefits, nutritional benefits, etc.

What Is Paneer?

Paneer, also called Indian cottage cheese, is a famous[1] dairy product prepared using curdled milk and fruit or vegetable acid like lemon juice.

Paneer comes with a few specialties that make Indian cottage cheese distinct from others.

Generally, Paneer is an unaged and soft cheese that doesn’t melt at high temperatures.

Preparing Paneer is an easy task that requires a few ingredients, including whole milk, lemon juice, and cheesecloth-

  • First, you have to boil the milk at medium heat with continuous stirring.
  • Add lemon juice to the boiling milk and lower the heat or flame to low.
  • Keep stirring the milk to see the curd forming out of the milk.
  • Pass the whole content through the cheesecloth to trap the cheese and drain water.
  • Squeeze the cheesecloth after collecting the cheese from the milk to remove excess water.
  • Twist the cloth tightly and refrigerate it to get smooth and delicious Paneer.

Benefits Of Paneer

The following are the interesting benefits of paneer-

  1. May Help Build Strong Bones And Teeth

    Paneer is one of the richest sources of two vital nutrients, i.e., calcium and Vitamin D, essential for keeping the bones and teeth strong and healthy.

    Dairy products are rich sources of vitamin D and people should always include[2] them in their diet for healthy bones.

    These two nutrients help maintain bone mass and offer optimum support to the skeletal muscles.

    Most calcium in the human body is found in bones and teeth as calcium hydroxyapatite that provides[3] or builds hard tissues.

    Moreover, Vitamin D consumption[4] in ample amounts would help absorb sufficient calcium required to keep the bones strong.

    Paneer is a fermented milk product that has a minimum lactose content. Hence, it won’t cause tooth damage and prevent gum decay.

  2. May Help Boost Weight Loss

    Paneer could be a magical food item to an individual’s weight loss diet. The food item may help boost weight loss in multiple ways.

    Paneer is an excellent source of short-chain fatty acids that barely gets deposited in the body.

    Short-chain fatty acids are known[5] to get digested and broken down faster to release energy for the body’s metabolism.

    Moreover, paneer contains linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid, that may help burn fat faster, resulting in increased weight loss.

    Paneer may help control the untimely insulin spikes resulting in reduced hunger. It slowly releases energy into the body, allowing you to stay full and satiated for longer.

    Besides all other nutrients, paneer contains a high amount of protein and minimum carbohydrates highly essential for a healthy weight.

  3. May Help Prevent Heart Conditions

    Paneer could be considered heart-friendly as it may prevent the heart from several chronic disorders.

    It contains potassium which could be essential[6] to keep the heart healthy, and may also support managing blood pressure.

    Generally, potassium plays a significant role in maintaining blood pressure by balancing the body’s fluid level.

    Excessive salt concentration in the body could be harmful to your heart. Here, potassium could help neutralize the salt levels that keep the heart healthy.

    Moreover, controlled consumption of paneer regularly may reduce the risk of developing coronary heart diseases, strokes, etc.

  4. May Help Improve Digestive System

    Paneer could be great for satiating hunger and improving an individual’s digestion. It contains magnesium and phosphorus that helps boost an individual’s digestive system.

    Both these nutrients combinedly help keep the gut functioning smoothly.

    Magnesium mineral as a content[7] may have laxative properties that improve bowel movement and remove solid waste comfortably.

    Magnesium draws sufficient fluid, including water, into the intestines and combines it with dry stool for easy passage.

    Sometimes, magnesium could help improve an individual’s constipation symptoms.

    Similarly, phosphorus plays a significant role in effectively digesting[8] the vitamin riboflavin and niacin.

    Moreover, it boosts the excretion process resulting in improved and regular bowel functioning.

  5. May Help Diabetic Patients

    Paneer has shown significant improvement in people suffering from type-2 diabetes.

    The high protein content of paneer prevents abrupt changes in blood sugar levels as it slowly releases sugar into the bloodstream.

    Moreover, magnesium in the paneer also helps regulate[9] blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy level.

    Paneer is a high protein and low carbohydrate food that allows you to eat comfortably without disturbing your blood sugar levels.

  6. May Relieve Pain During Menstrual Cycle

    Women consuming Paneer during their menstrual cycle may experience reduced pain and muscle tension.

    The potassium content in paneer may help reduce muscle cramps, which women commonly experience during the menstrual cycle.

    Moreover, sufficient calcium intake may help maintain a healthy muscle tone during the cycle.

    Paneer also contains omega-3 fatty acids that help lower[10] severe pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

    These fatty acids may increase the production or balance the levels of certain chemicals that allow healthy menstruation.

  7. May Improve Skin Health

    Paneer contains several antioxidants, especially selenium, that may help fight[11] free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

    Moreover, these antioxidants have anti-aging properties that may prevent skin wrinkles at an early age, delaying aging.

    Besides antioxidants, paneer contains several essential nutrients, like Vitamin E, A, B-6, and B-3, that may nourish the skin and keep it fresh and glowing.

    But, consuming raw paneer may offer better benefits to an individual’s skin.

  8. A Great Source Of B Complex Vitamins

    Paneer is a rich source[12] of B complex vitamins that play a significant role in keeping an individual healthy.

    Multiple components or vitamins of the B complex benefit differently to an individual.

    Vitamin B12 is essential for improving an individual’s brain functioning, especially in a growing kid.

    Moreover, it may help absorb the optimum iron required by the body.

    Riboflavin, thiamin, and niacin are essential to convert carbohydrates or sugars to energy and improving digestion.

  9. May Reduce The Risk Of Cancer

    Paneer consumption may help prevent the development of certain cancers and boost the ability to fight cancer cells.

    It contains vitamin  D and calcium that could be beneficial in preventing breast cancer in women at the pre-menopausal stage.

    Moreover, it may help prevent the growth of cancer cells in breast cancer patients.

    Paneer also contains sphingolipids which could help prevent[13] colon and prostate cancer.

  10. May Boost Immune System

    Paneer consumption has been linked with the improved immune system in growing kids and adults.

    It is believed that people consuming paneer in a controlled amount regularly may prevent severe respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, etc.

    Additionally, it may help reduce symptoms in people with existing respiratory conditions.

    High[14] hemoglobin in the blood may indicate an individual’s healthy immune system.

    Paneer consumption could help boost the production[14] of hemoglobin and keep the immune system healthy.

    Paneer could help prevent other health conditions like osteoporosis, frequent cramps, low sperm count, etc.

    The food contains specific nutrients like potassium, calcium, zinc, etc., that may help prevent such conditions.

Nutritional Value Of Paneer

Paneer is a highly delicious food option that contains numerous essential nutrients in sufficient amounts.

Primarily, dairy food contains proteins and other minerals like calcium, potassium, etc. You may go through the following nutritional values of 100 grams of paneer-

Protein: 21.1 grams
Fat: 25 grams
Carbohydrate: 3.57 grams
Fiber: 0 grams
Calcium: 31% of the DV (Daily Value)
Potassium: 2% of the Daily Value
Phosphorus: 330 mg
Folates: 93.3 mg
MUFA: 4300 mg
PUFA: 439 mg

Calories In Paneer

Paneer is an excellent energy source for an individual. It boosts energy levels and metabolism in the body.

Moreover, it contains a higher amount of protein, making it a healthy and essential food for vegetarians.

Generally, 100 grams of paneer may supply up to 321 Kcal calories to an individual. But, you should be careful with your serving as excess paneer intake may hamper your daily calorie intake.

Protein In 100 Grams Of Paneer

Paneer is a highly delicious food option that contains numerous essential nutrients in sufficient amounts.

Primarily, cottage cheese contains protein and other minerals like calcium, potassium, etc. You may go through the following nutritional values of 100 grams of paneer.

Protein: 21.1 grams
Fat: 25 grams
Carbohydrate: 3.57 grams
Fiber: 0 grams
Calcium: 31% of the DV (Daily Value)
Potassium: 2% of the Daily Value
Phosphorus: 330 mg
Folates: 93.3 mg
MUFA: 4300 mg
PUFA: 439 mg

Calories In Paneer

Paneer is an excellent energy source for an individual. It boosts energy levels and metabolism in the body.

Moreover, it contains a higher amount of protein, making it a healthy and essential food for vegetarians.

Generally, 100 grams of paneer may supply up to 321 Kcal calories to an individual. But, you should be careful with your serving as excess paneer intake may hamper your daily calorie intake.

Protein In 100 Grams Of Paneer

Protein is among the essential nutrients the human body needs for metabolic activities and building muscle mass.

It is believed that 100 grams of paneer may contain up to 11 grams of protein

Paneer is one of the complete protein sources that includes almost all the essential amino acids required by the body.

Thus, you may rely on paneer to supply your body with optimum protein.


Paneer is a special ingredient that easily blends with different recipes. You could easily prepare some tasty food by using paneer.

But, with taste, you could naturally get some of the crucial micro and macronutrients from paneer.

Thus, adding such beneficial food to your diet would help you stay healthy and fit.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Sunil Kumar, D. C. Rai, K. Niranjan, et al. Paneer—An Indian soft cheese variant: a review. J Food Sci Technol. 2014 May; 51(5): 821–831.Published online 2011 Oct 26. doi: 10.1007/s13197-011-0567-x
  2. Alicja Ewa Ratajczak, Agnieszka Zawada, Anna Maria Rychter, et al. Milk and Dairy Products: Good or Bad for Human Bone? Practical Dietary Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis. Nutrients. 2021 Apr; 13(4): 1329. Published online 2021 Apr 17. doi: 10.3390/nu13041329
  3. 2 Overview of Calcium. Available from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK56060/
  4. Vitamin D. Available from https://medlineplus.gov/vitamind.html
  5. Jian Tan , Craig McKenzie , Maria Potamitis, et al. The role of short-chain fatty acids in health and disease. Review Adv Immunol. 2014;121:91-119. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-800100-4.00003-9. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24388214/
  6. Sodium, Potassium and Health. Available from https://www.cdc.gov/salt/potassium.htm
  7. Gordana Bothe, Aljaz Coh, and Annegret Auinger. Efficacy and safety of a natural mineral water rich in magnesium and sulphate for bowel function: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Eur J Nutr. 2017; 56(2): 491–499.Published online 2015 Nov 18. doi: 10.1007/s00394-015-1094-8
  8. Riboflavin. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Riboflavin-HealthProfessional/
  9. Mario Barbagallo and Ligia J Dominguez. Magnesium and type 2 diabetes. World J Diabetes. 2015 Aug 25; 6(10): 1152–1157.Published online 2015 Aug 25. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v6.i10.1152
  10. Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Available from https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Omega3FattyAcids-HealthProfessional/
  11. Lien Ai Pham-Huy, Hua He, and Chuong Pham-Huy. Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health. Int J Biomed Sci. 2008 Jun; 4(2): 89–96.
  12. B Vitamins. Available from https://medlineplus.gov/bvitamins.html
  13. B Berra , I Colombo, E Sottocornola, et al. Dietary sphingolipids in colorectal cancer prevention. Eur J Cancer Prev. 2002 Apr;11(2):193-7. doi: 10.1097/00008469-200204000-00013. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11984139/
  14. Hemoglbin. Available from https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003645.htm

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