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Alcohol And Weight Loss: Can These Go Hands In Hands?


Your health and overall wellness could benefit from losing weight. The secret is to burn more calories than you take in.

Therefore, cutting back on your alcohol consumption is an excellent method to do this. Additionally, losing weight might not merely result from fewer calories consumed from alcohol.

You could get a better night’s sleep if you cut back on booze, which might leave you feeling rested and give you more drive to work out.

Alcohol has more calories than most people realize. It provides 7 calories per gram, compared to about 4 per gram for protein, 4 per gram for carbohydrates, and 9 per gram for fat.

Alcoholic beverages’ calorie counts could be deceiving. The calories in a few drinks could pile up rapidly a large glass of white wine could have as many calories as ice cream, and a pint of beer could have as many calories as a chocolate bar.

Alcohol has calories, but certain foods we eat while drinking also have calories. This might cause weight gain. Drinking less alcohol could make it simpler for you to keep to your better food plans, which might help you lose weight.

In this article, we will be looking at the relation between alcohol and weight gain, the best alcohol for weight loss, alcohol metabolism, and a lot more.

Alcohol & weight loss

Does Alcohol Make You Gain Weight?

One of the many health factors to take into account when using alcohol and regulating how much you drink is weight gain. Alcohol consumption, especially in big doses or excessively, could hurt many aspects of your body and life.

Alcohol usage along with weight gain is one isstothat often raises concerns. Weight gain and alcohol use are related for several indirect and direct reasons.

First, as it contains calories, alcohol could contribute to weight gain. Alcohol has calories, but many alcoholic beverages also come with additions and mixers that might be high in calories and sugar.

Alcohol-related calories are regarded as empty calories as they provide no nutritional benefit. As alcohol stimulates the appetite, you might eat more and also make worse eating decisions.

If you drink, you could probably feel more hungry than usual and your inhibitions might be weaker, so you would not be thinking about choosing nutritious foods.

According to research[1], those who engage in heavy episodic drinking have,

  • a 30 percent higher risk of continuing to be obese,
  • a 35 percent higher risk of becoming overweight than those who are already overweight, and
  • a 40 percent higher chance of being obese than those who do not.

Finally, alcohol suppresses the central nervous system, which ultimately slows down your bodily functions. This is another way that weight gain and alcohol are related.

Best Alcohol For Weight Loss

All of this could make it seem as though drinking might prevent you from getting that beach physique. Fear not, however, cutting alcohol completely out of your diet is not always necessary when you are trying to lose weight.

You might enjoy some of these alcoholic alternatives in moderation instead of reaching for beverages with lots of calories or sugar.

Here is some best alcohol for weight loss:

  1. Red Wine

    As a result of its heart-healthy properties, having a glass of red wine has long been seen as a healthier choice. The data on red wine drinking and heart health dates back to the 1970s, according to the study[2].

    Dry red wine is a low-calorie alcoholic beverage you might choose from, even if there has never been a long-term experiment that proved some of these claims. It is estimated that red wine in a five-ounce glass contains about 106 calories.

  2. Vodka

    1.6 ounces of distilled 85-proof vodka contains 103 calories. Avoid too many sugary juices and go for lower-calorie mixers like club soda.

  3. Vermouth

    A 3.5-ounce serving of dry vermouth has 104 calories. While it is usually combined into a Manhattan or a martini, drinking it straight could be better for people trying to lose weight.

    Reaching for vermouth is not only due to its sensible calorie count. According to the study[3], dry vermouth has a considerable increase in polyphenol content over white wine.

    According to some researchers in 2019, polyphenols are molecules in plants that occur naturally. They have been found in helping to control chronic disease, metabolism, and weight.

    However, as there has not been any research on the advantages of the health of consuming dry vermouth, it is not apparent whether this benefit might balance the hazards associated with alcohol consumption in general.

  4. Beer

    You could go light on the beer if you are in the mood for it. Beer is another lower-calorie choice. Compared to a 10-ounce serving of ordinary beer, you might save between 35 and 60 calories.

  5. Champagne

    Selecting champagne over a white wine could save you 30 calories in a serving. Champagne has 80 calories per 5-ounce glass. And even though that might not seem like a lot, the carbonation might cause you to feel fuller and decline the second drink.

    Women reported feeling more satisfied after consumption of sparkling water as opposed to flat, as per a study[4] that was published in the Journal of Vitaminology and Nutritional Science.

What Is Alcohol Metabolism?

Alcohol is a toxin that needs to be neutralized or removed from the body. Breath, urine, and sweat each remove 15% of the alcohol consumed.

As the alcohol evaporates in the air, it could leave the body by breathing when blood-borne alcohol comes into touch with air in the lungs’ alveoli.

The liver is the main organ in charge of the body’s alcohol detoxification process. Alcohol dehydrogenase, which is produced by liver cells, converts alcohol into ketones at a rate of 0.016 grams/90 ml/one hour (reduces blood alcohol content BAC by 0.016 per hour).

Nothing could hasten the process of detoxification, however, liver disease and drugs might reduce the effectiveness[5] of alcohol metabolization.

When drinking outpaces detoxification, BAC might keep increasing. Alcohol leaves the body on average at a rate of 0.016 grams/90 ml/one hour, which is equivalent to a 0.016 reduction in BAC every hour.

This happens at a pace of 1 standard drink every hour for men. However, different factors, such as sickness, gender, and medications that alter intoxication levels might cause BAC to reduce more slowly and raise faster.

Calories In Alcohol

Nearly 8 calories are found in alcohol per gram which is comparable to the calories found in pure fat. Alcoholic beverages contain[6] calories with no nutritional value or empty calories. They have no positive effects on your body.

Alcoholic beverages vary in their calorie content, and many are also heavy in sugar. An ice cream sundae and a large glass of wine both have about the same number of calories as a pint of lager.

Alcohol cannot be stored in the body like fat, protein, minerals, and carbohydrates. Thus getting rid of it is what our bodies prioritize over storing it.

All different activities that ought to be happening, such as vitamin absorption and fat burning are stopped. Alcohol consumption also lowers the amount of fat that our bodies burn for energy.

Best Alcohol To Drink On Diet

Here are some[7] best alcohol to drink on a diet:

  1. Whiskey

    If you enjoy whiskey, you are in luck as 1.5 fluid ounces (35 ml) of it has only 65 calories, according to USDA[8].

  2. Rum And Vodka

    Vodka and rum are the next best alcoholic beverages to consume when on a diet to lose weight. Only 95 calories are present in 35 ml (1.5 fluid ounce) of vodka and rum.

  3. White Wine

    For its fruity, tangy, and sweet flavor which goes well with a pig, poultry, and fish, white wine is greatly adored. Fruits also go well.

    Fortunately, a serving of dry wine or white wine (4 fluid ounces or 140 ml) only has 115 calories, so your weekend mood or holiday would not be spoiled.

  4. Tequila Shot

    You might do it with only one tequila shot. Tequila shots have 95 calories, according to the USDA[9].

  5. Mojito

    You could enjoy the lime and mint in a mojito. You could find that many establishments oversweeten them, so you might order a sugarless mojito having additional lime.

    The extra lime and mint usually provide an adequate flavor. You might add your sugar if you decide it needs a little more sweetness.


Alcohol contains a lot of calories and therefore could prevent you from losing weight. Even if drinking less cannot result in weight loss right away, it might be a good beginning step.

Low alcohol beer, wine, and unmixed spirits in moderation are options for those who want to keep drinking while losing weight.

While eliminating alcohol from your diet might not be the only method to lose weight, cutting back on alcohol shall have a positive impact on many aspects of your health.

You might benefit from fewer empty calories, better digestion, a healthier body, and better sleep. If you do decide to indulge, opt for a whiskey or vodka on the rocks instead of soda.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Tera L. Fazzino, Kimberly Fleming, Kenneth J. Sher, et al. Heavy Drinking in Young Adulthood Increases Risk of Transitioning to Obesity Am J Prev Med. 2017 Aug; 53(2): 169–175. Published online 2017 Mar 29. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2017.02.007
  2. Luigi Castaldo, Alfonso Narváez, Luana Izzo, et al. Red Wine Consumption and Cardiovascular Health Molecules. 2019 Oct; 24(19): 3626.
    Published online 2019 Oct 8. doi: 10.3390/molecules24193626
  3. János Fehér, Andrea Lugasi [Antioxidant characteristics of a newly developed vermouth wine] Orv Hetil. 2004 Dec 26;145(52):2623-7. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15724698/
  4. Shiori Wakisaka, Hajime Nagai, Emi Mura, et al. The effects of carbonated water upon gastric and cardiac activities and fullness in healthy young women J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2012;58(5):333-8. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.58.333. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23327968/
  5. Arthur I Cederbaum ALCOHOL METABOLISM Clin Liver Dis. 2012 Nov; 16(4): 667–685.doi: 10.1016/j.cld.2012.08.002
  6. Samara Joy Nielsen, Brian K. Kit, Tala Fakhouri, et al. Calories Consumed From Alcoholic Beverages by U.S. Adults, 2007–2010 Page last reviewed: November 6, 2015 Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db110.htm
  7. Gregory Traversy and Jean-Philippe Chaput Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update Curr Obes Rep. 2015; 4(1): 122–130. Published online 2015 Jan 8. doi: 10.1007/s13679-014-0129-4
  8. Alcoholic beverage, whiskey sour FDC Published:4/1/2019 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173662/nutrients
  9. Tequila FDC Published:10/30/2020 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1104491/nutrients

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