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All About Oatmeal And Weight Loss


Around the world, oats are a favorite morning dish. Weight loss is one of the many health advantages of oats.

They are praised for being helpful for weight loss because of a healthy combination of fiber, complex carbs, and protein. They are also incredibly versatile and simple to prepare.

Because oatmeal is high in satiating fiber, magnesium, and zinc, and has very few calories, it can help you lose weight by curbing your appetite and reducing the need to snack in between meals.

Oatmeal’s best feature is that you can experiment with different flavors and never get tired of them.

You can eat them warm, add them to milkshakes or smoothies, or bake them into muffins, cookies, cupcakes, and cakes.

Oatmeal is a great option for anyone looking to keep their cholesterol under control and lower their risk of developing chronic diseases along with maintaining a healthy weight.

In this article, we will be discussing all oatmeal and weight loss.

all about oatmeal and weight loss

What Is The Oatmeal Diet?

The oatmeal diet is a 7-day diet that can be divided[1] into three phases,

  • Initial Phase

    Three meals a day of oatmeal are typically consumed with a daily caloric intake of 1,300 calories from all meals during the first phase of the oatmeal diet.


  • Middle Phase

    In the second stage of the diet, oatmeal is consumed for two meals a day along with lean protein like chicken or fish, or a half cup of fruit or salad.


  • Late Phase

    A healthy and more regular diet can be resumed by this phase, but one meal must include oatmeal.

    You can flavor your oatmeal with some spices, such as vanilla extract, cinnamon, etc. This eating plan of the third phase is more sustainable.

Oatmeal Diet For Weight Loss

  • Mindful Of Portion Sizes

    Although half a cup of dry oats is the recommended[2] serving size, eating more oatmeal could increase your calorie intake.

    That can prevent you from losing weight. However, if you’re young and have a high level of physical activity, eating one cup or more of oats might be helpful

  • Sweetener

    When preparing oatmeal, one of the most frequent[3] mistakes people make is using too much sweetener, such as honey, sugar, butter, brown sugar, maple syrup, etc.

    Your calorie intake may go up as a result. Throwing a few blueberries into your oatmeal or adding naturally sweet fruit slices is a great alternative to sweeteners.

  • Eating Instant Oats

    Flavored and instant oats have less fiber and a higher glycemic index because they are more highly processed[4] and are high in calories.

    They also contain extra sugars, carbohydrates, and other ingredients that can cause weight gain. So, try to consume only plain oats.

Benefits Of The Oatmeal Diet

  • May Reduce Blood Sugar

    A soluble fiber found in oatmeal by the name of beta-glucan may help lower blood sugar levels.

    Oatmeal aids in controlling[5] blood sugar levels because of its slow digestion. For people with diabetes, this is advantageous.

    Oatmeal has a high fiber content, which slows digestion and permits a gradual release of glucose into the blood.

    As a result, normal glucose levels are maintained and glucose spikes brought on by refined carbohydrates are avoided.

    As long as they do not add additional sugar to the dish, people with type 2 diabetes may find that including oatmeal in their diet helps them control their blood sugar levels.

  • May Reduce Weight 

    Anyone trying to reduce weight will benefit from oatmeal’s ability to increase satiety. Oatmeals are a better high-protein breakfast for weight loss.

    This whole grain is healthy and high in fiber, which makes you feel fuller sooner.

    By reducing your daily calorie intake and preventing[6] overeating, you can lose weight. You can also stop overeating snacks thanks to it.

    However, since flavored or instant oats are packed with sugar and preservatives, be sure to avoid them if you want to experience the weight loss benefits.

  • Rich In Antioxidants

    Oats have anti-itching and anti-inflammatory effects. Antioxidants found in high concentrations[7] in oatmeal include vitamin E, phytic acid, and phenolic compounds.

    These antioxidants help to fight off free radicals that could damage cells and result in oxidative stress, which can cause chronic diseases.

    Avenanthramides, which are polyphenols, is also found in oats. Avenanthramides enhance blood flow, combat inflammation, and stop itching.

  • May Enhance Sleep Quality

    One of the best foods to aid in sleep is oats. Consuming oatmeal aids in the generation of the sleep hormone melatonin, which is necessary for sleep.

    The increased tryptophan is delivered[8] to the brain with the aid of melatonin and its complex carbohydrates.

    Tryptophan is an amino acid found in oats that has sedative properties. Additionally, serotonin, which promotes relaxation and lowers stress, is released by oats.

  • It May Help Skin Health

    Oats can effectively prevent tanning and lighten skin tone. Crucial for preventing acne, zinc is abundant in oats.

    They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics that help soothe itching brought on by dry, irritated skin.

    Oats are a crucial component of acne treatments because they can absorb extra skin oil.

    Flavonoids, which are present in oatmeal, aid in absorbing ultraviolet rays. Even your skin can be protected by flavonoids from harsh chemicals and pollutants.

Side Effects Of The Oatmeal Diet

  • May Cause Bloating

    Oats may frequently result in bloating and intestinal gas. If you are sensitive[9] to avenin, eating oatmeal may cause you to feel gassy and bloated.

    Additionally, oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which may cause gas. Start with a small serving size to reduce the negative effects of eating oats, then gradually increase it as your body gets used to it.

  • This may Lead To Malnutrition

    Malnutrition can result from eating too much oatmeal. This is because oatmeals make you feel fuller for longer, which makes it difficult for your body to tell you when you need to eat more throughout the day.

    Additionally, your body receives[10] very few nutrients if you only eat oatmeal. For this reason, it’s crucial to include a variety of nutrient-dense foods in your diet.

  • Not Helpful For Allergic People

    Oats may not be good for you if you have a specific oat food allergy or if you must avoid gluten for health reasons.

    During processing, gluten may be present in oats. It is imperative to only eat oats that are specifically marked as gluten-free in that situation.

  • Anti Nutrient Property

    Oats contain phytic acid, an antinutrient that is known to prevent your body from properly absorbing the minerals and vitamins they contain.

    To make up for the potential nutritional loss, you must include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet.


The oatmeal diet may not be advised by doctors because it is an unhealthy and unreliable method of weight loss.

Oatmeal does, however, contain fiber, which has been associated with lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Additionally, the fiber keeps you full and satisfied.

Oatmeal is a healthy way to improve your health and gradually lose weight at the same time when combined with a balanced diet.

By doing this, you can consume foods that give your body all the nutrients it needs, as well as the proper number of calories, which is essential for healthy weight loss.

To sum it up, considering all the advantages mentioned above, feel good about preparing delicious oatmeal in the morning for weight loss.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Devendra Paudel, Bandana Dhungana, Melanie Caffe, et. al. A Review of Health-Beneficial Properties of Oats. Foods. 2021 Nov; 10(11): 2591. Published online 2021 Oct 26. doi: 10.3390/foods10112591.
  2. Victor L. Fulgoni, Mary Brauchla, Lisa Fleige, et. al. Oatmeal-Containing Breakfast is Associated with Better Diet Quality and Higher Intake of Key Food Groups and Nutrients Compared to Other Breakfasts in Children. Nutrients. 2019 May; 11(5): 964. Published online 2019 Apr 27. doi: 10.3390/nu11050964
  3. Carole Bartolotto. Does Consuming Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners Change Taste Preferences? Perm J. 2015 Summer; 19(3): 81–84. doi: 10.7812/TPP/14-229
  4. Candida J. Rebello, William D. Johnson, Corby K. Martin, et. al. Instant Oatmeal Increases Satiety and Reduces Energy Intake Compared to a Ready-to-Eat Oat-Based Breakfast Cereal: A Randomized Crossover Trial. J Am Coll Nutr. 2016 Jan 2; 35(1): 41–49.Published online 2015 Aug 14. doi: 10.1080/07315724.2015.1032442
  5. Qingtao Hou, Yun Li, Ling Li, et. al. The Metabolic Effects of Oats Intake in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2015 Dec; 7(12): 10369–10387. Published online 2015 Dec 10. doi: 10.3390/nu7125536.
  6. Xue Li, Xiaxia Cai, Xiaotao Ma, et. al. Short- and Long-Term Effects of Wholegrain Oat Intake on Weight Management and Glucolipid Metabolism in Overweight Type-2 Diabetics: A Randomized Control Trial. Nutrients. 2016 Sep; 8(9): 549. Published online 2016 Sep 7. doi: 10.3390/nu8090549
  7. Prasad Rasane, Alok Jha, Latha Sabikhi, et. al. Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its processing as value added foods – a review. J Food Sci Technol. 2015 Feb; 52(2): 662–675. Published online 2013 Jun 25. doi: 10.1007/s13197-013-1072-1.
  8. Marie-Pierre St-Onge, Anja Mikic, and Cara E Pietrolungo. Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality. Adv Nutr. 2016 Sep; 7(5): 938–949. Published online 2016 Sep 7. doi: 10.3945/an.116.012336.
  9. Ezra Valido, Jivko Stoyanov, Alessandro Bertolo, et. al. Systematic Review of the Effects of Oat Intake on Gastrointestinal Health. J Nutr. 2021 Oct 1;151(10):3075-3090. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab245.
  10. Oliver Chen, Eunice Mah, ElHadji Dioum, et. al. The Role of Oat Nutrients in the Immune System: A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2021 Apr; 13(4): 1048.
    Published online 2021 Mar 24. doi: 10.3390/nu13041048.

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