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Stenabolic SR9009 Review: Is Stenabolic SR9009 Actually Worth Taking The Risk?


You have landed in the right place if you have been searching for an honest Stenabolic SR9009 review and prefer knowing the effect through a first-hand user experience. As a result, you could say that this is an exclusive Stenabolic SR9009 review meant for you.

I have enclosed the user’s experience with the substance and how he used this substance, and the changes that he was able to observe after the regular usage of Stenabolic SR9009.

What Is Stenabolic SR9009?

Stenabolic, also known as SR9009, is a research drug that activates Rev-Erb[1], a group of proteins. Stenabolic SR 9009 is developed by Thomas Burris, who hails from Scripps Research Institute.

Thomas Burris discovered that Stenabolic SR9009 could decrease obesity in the mice population. In addition, the protein Rev-Erbα could influence fat and sugar burn in the liver and affect the production of fat cells and the body’s inflammatory response.

According to its users, Stenabolic SR9009 is a synthetic Rev-Erb agonist that could be effective for weight loss. They also believe it could enhance energy levels and endurance as well.

Athletes and bodybuilders who have been users of Stenbolic SR9009 believe it could enhance glucose metabolism. This is because more glucose could be adsorbed in skeletal muscle instead of stored as fat.

They also think that Stenabolic SR9009 could also improve lean muscle mass. Furthermore, as its usage could enhance stamina, the users are under the impression that this would improve their energy, make them withstand intense workout sessions, and build more muscles.

You can read more about the metabolic studies for detecting SR9009 here[2].

Having said that, if someone asks me about Stenabolic SR9009 or any SARM, my recommendation to them would be that they stay away from these SARMs.

Several side effects are involved with consuming Stenabolic SR9009 or any SARMs substance.

Is Stenabolic SR9009 A SARM?

No, Stenabolic SR9009 is not a SARM. Though many users believe it to be a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator or SARM, it is a Rev-Erba agonist.

This analysis[3] shows that synthetic Rev-Erb agonists may regulate circadian behavior and metabolism and could also help in the treatment of sleep disorders as well as metabolic diseases.

How Does Stenabolic SR9009 Work?

Stenabolic SR9009 tries to reduce inflammation as it could eliminate worn-out mitochondria and stimulate the formation of new mitochondria, which may eliminate soreness and pain after an intense exercise session.

An increase in the number of mitochondria could result in an overall increase in the body’s protein levels. The mitochondria surge could also remove fatigue and could be able to charge you up for the next workout session.

The primary purpose of its functioning could be the circadian rhythm that tries to manage our bodies and may help in the sleep-wake cycles, metabolism, and inflammation.

Even after working out less, the alteration in the circadian rhythm with Stenabolic SR9009 could make your body work 24/7, improving metabolism. As a result, you could lose fat even when you sleep or rest.

Is Stenabolic SR9009 Legal?

Stenabolic SR9009 is synthetically manufactured, and it also artificially alters the activity of the muscles. Therefore, it has been added to the banned list of substances[4].

It is also banned by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Thus, Stenabolic SR9009 is not for human purposes and is used for investigational and research purposes only.

What Made Me Choose Stenabolic SR9009?

I am an IT graduate working as a software professional at a prominent Texas corporation. Unfortunately, my work schedule was so hectic that I rarely had time for myself.

Even on weekends, the workload was so intense that it was challenging to take a break for a drink. As a result, I ate packed food such as bagels and donuts.

The desk job and extremely sedentary lifestyle were causing me to gain weight. Plus, the not-so-fancy diet I was on made matters worse for me. As a result, I became highly sedentary and overweight.

One day, a new employee joined our office, and believe me, she was so stunning that I couldn’t take my gaze away from her. You could say that it was love at first sight for me. But she didn’t seem to notice me.

I tried to talk to her after our meeting one day, but she said she was into muscular guys with impressive physiques. This was when she told me that I do not even remotely look like them.

As a result, it was the worst day of my life. At this point, I decided to work on my physique and appearance. I was sure that I would be able to make her regret her decision to reject me because of my appearance.

So, to begin my transformation, I started going for morning walks and, after a few weeks, decided to join a gym and make sure that I worked out after my office hours, whenever time was available.

After a month of working out, I had finally started to lose weight, but it was happening slowly. As a result, my trainer advised me to supplement it with a substance called Stenabolic SR9009, which could help me lose weight quickly and easily.

I was unsure because I had only recently begun working out, so I ignored his advice and did not begin using substances to achieve my goals straightaway. Instead, after my workout, I returned home to look for more concrete evidence of the substance’s efficacy over the internet.

After researching the internet, I discovered that users claimed it helped them burn fat while also increasing stamina. That’s when I thought that the trainer was speaking the truth.

I believed that Stenabolic SR9009 could help me lose weight quickly and prove myself to the girl who had rejected me a few months ago.

As a result, I ordered my Stenabolic SR9009 pack, which arrived within a few days. Continue reading this review to learn about my experiences with this substance.

My Stenabolic SR9009 Journey

When I first started using Stenabolic SR9009, I discovered that it was total garbage and not worth the candle. I decided to consume and patiently for it to start working for me for the first few weeks because such products can take some time to work on the body and be effective.

But, to my disappointment, nothing of the sort occurred. The users claimed that it would increase my energy levels, but I began to feel lethargic after my workouts.

After a few weeks of taking Stenabolic SR9009, I began to experience stomach aches. My bowel movements were significantly disrupted by various episodes of upset stomach and body ache.

As a result, all users who boasted about Stenabolic SR9009 being practical and helpful in losing fat and increasing stamina were completely delusory.

Stenabolic SR9009 turned out to be a complete dud, and after seeing no positive effects on my body, I decided to discontinue use for good.

Side Effects Of Taking Stenabolic SR9009

  • Insomnia

    Though Stenabolic SR9009 claims to improve sleep quality, it did the exact opposite for me. I experienced sleepless nights and jittery sensations and tried hard to sleep but it disturbed my sleeping pattern.

  • Lethargy

    One of the negative effects experienced by me upon my Stenabolic SR9009 usage was that it caused messed up bowel movements that led to loose motions and I would always feel lazy and drained out of energy.

  • Stomach Ache

    I started having frequent stomach aches and it would become really difficult for me to concentrate on my work. Not only this, I started skipping my meals as the pain would return the moment I ate anything.

  • Water Retention

    Another side effect caused by Stenabolic SR9009 was the building up of puffiness on my body. Due to excessive water retention, I could feel bloated all around my abdominal area as it had affected my hydration levels as well.

My Stenabolic SR9009 Dosage

I followed the dosage provided by my trainer as he recommended to me after confirming it through the declared doses of the manufacturers of Stenabolic SR9009.

Thus, I took 20mg per day. For this, I took 5mg with a gap of a few hours as the half-life of Stenabolic SR9009 as told by my trainer was roughly about 4 to 5 hours.

As soon as I realized Stenabolic SR9009 was doing no good to me, rather, providing me with side effects, I stopped its usage right away.

Stenabolic SR9009 Alternate

As a result of experiencing so many side effects and being dissatisfied with Stenabolic SR9009, I discontinued its use. It took some time to recover from all of this damage. However, I recovered decently after a few weeks.

When I returned to the gym, I first changed my trainer and hired a certified personal trainer for myself. I told myself I would never believe what inexperienced people say and claim without detailed information and proof.

As a result, I resumed my workout, and my trainer’s new workout schedule was better than ever. However, because the side effects had made me weak, I could not maintain my energy levels and became exhausted after a short period.

I told my trainer about it, and he suggested I try CrazyBulk’s Stena 9009. According to my trainer, this product is an entirely safe and natural alternative to Stenabolic 9009.

He claims that Stena 9009 contains powerful ingredients that can boost ATP activity in the body. Not only that, but it may aid in increasing metabolism, which may help in fat loss.

I asked for the official site details without listening to any further information because I did not want to land on something that could cost me my health like before.

As a result, when I looked for more information on the official CrazyBulk website, I discovered that the company formulates its products using only naturally occurring ingredients. Naturally, this immediately sparked my curiosity, so I did more research.

According to the makers, Stena 9009 may aid in burning excess fat while increasing stamina, allowing you to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

They also claim that regular use of it can increase endurance and improve blood flow in the body. In addition, many reviews on the official website demonstrated that the product did work for them.

My trainer also devised a workout plan and instructed me to use natural methods to increase my stamina, such as yoga and meditation and my Stena 9009 usage.

He also advised me to eat green leafy vegetables and nuts to increase my energy levels.

As a result, after being impressed by the reviews and claims made by the manufacturers, I ordered Stena 9009 through the official website and received it within a week.

After using Stena 9009 for a few weeks, I can say that I made the right decision because it helped me improve my stamina and energy levels throughout the day.

Not only that, but Stena 9009 continuous use assisted me in losing excess fat and achieving the desired physique, which greatly impressed the people at my office. The girl I fell for finally noticed me and asked me out.

Throughout my Stena 9009 consumption, I experienced no side effects. On the contrary, it aided my recovery during and after gym sessions, allowing me to work out more intensely and achieve better results.

Natural Changes That I Incorporated

I tried including natural methodologies so that they could help my stamina. In addition, I believed that natural changes could help me manage stressful situations with ease.

Firstly, my trainer asked me to manage working out and never skip doing my exercises as he said constant practice could help build up my stamina. A study shows that exercise could improve energy levels in people with work-related fatigue.

I also tried doing yoga and meditation, which helped in enhancing my stamina. As per this analysis[5], medical students attending yoga classes saw a significant improvement in stress levels and lesser fatigue.

My trainer added green leafy vegetables to my diet, and he also asked me to consume nuts every day as they could provide a natural boost in my energy levels. As per this information[6], nuts may also provide a beneficial effect on oxidative stress.

Final Words On Stenabolic SR9009 Review

To summarise my review, Stenabolic SR9009 did not work for me. Instead, I experienced its side effects, and it never lived up to the claims made by its creators and users.

I realized my dream of losing weight and getting lean. Thanks to Stena 9009, which helped me lose excess fat while still maintaining my stamina and energy levels.

You might also note that I did not wholly depend on any particular substance. I also made several positive lifestyle changes that naturally helped my body lose weight.

I’ve decided to keep using Stena 9009 because there is still some fat on my body. However, I’m now aiming to get ripped entirely, and I know this product will help me get there in the coming future.

+6 References/Sources

Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed researches, academic and medical institution studies.

  1. Ryan P. Trump,†* Stefano Bresciani,‡ Anthony W. J. Cooper, et al. Optimized Chemical Probes for REV-ERBα. J Med Chem. 2013 Jun 13; 56(11): 4729–4737. Published online 2013 May 23. doi: 10.1021/jm400458q.
  2. Lore Geldof,* Koen Deventer, Kris Roels, Eva Tudela, Peter Van Eenoo, Chang Won Choi, Academic Editor. In Vitro Metabolic Studies of REV-ERB Agonists SR9009 and SR9011. Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Oct; 17(10): 1676. Published online 2016 Oct 3. doi: 10.3390/ijms17101676.
  3. Laura A. Solt,* Yongjun Wang,* Subhashis Banerjee, et al. Regulation of Circadian Behavior and Metabolism by Synthetic REV-ERB Agonists. Nature. 2012 May 3; 485(7396): 62–68. Published online 2012 Mar 29. doi: 10.1038/nature11030.
  4. Therapeutic Goods Administration. Banned substances in sports supplements. Scheduling delegate’s final decisions, October 2017. 31 Oct 2017. Available from: https://www.health.act.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-10/Banned%20substances%20in%20sports%20supplements%20-%20Consumer%20Information%20Sheet%20V1…_.pdf
  5. Lona Prasad, * Aneesha Varrey, Giovanni Sisti. Medical Students’ Stress Levels and Sense of Well Being after Six Weeks of Yoga and Meditation. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016; 2016: 9251849. Published online 2016 Dec 7. doi: 10.1155/2016/9251849.
  6. Emilio Ros. Health Benefits of Nut Consumption. Nutrients. 2010 Jul; 2(7): 652–682. Published online 2010 Jun 24. doi: 10.3390/nu2070652.

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