If you have just taken fertility tests and were diagnosed with fertility issues or have a low sperm count, you might want to remember that you are not alone. Infertility affects more couples than you may expect.
One in six couples is affected by infertility, and it is estimated that one in three occurrences is attributable to male infertility.
One might not be able to cure infertility permanently, but there are steps you may take to increase the chances for the man to become a father.
Fertility could be helped in some cases by following a balanced diet, taking supplements, and making other lifestyle changes.
The following are some of the most common foods one could consume to increase fertility in men.

Fertility-Enhancing Foods For Men
It’s likely that you and your partner already know the benefits of a healthy diet. It’s possible that a man’s sperm count and quality can improve[1] if he consumes certain meals.
With more robust sperm, you’ll have an easier time getting pregnant. Check this article to know more about the influence of diet on fertility.
If he wants to increase his chances of his partner getting pregnant, these meals can help.
Fish-eating was linked to enhanced[2] sperm motility in one small research. Other research was inconclusive.
The high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in fish may be responsible for the benefits to sperm health, but the exact role of fish in sperm health is yet unknown.
Red and processed meats should be avoided whenever possible in favor of seafood.
Polyunsaturated fats, known as omega-3 fatty acids, play a crucial role[3] in cell membranes all across the body. Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to boost male fertility in several studies (shape).
In a short study conducted in 2012, researchers[4] randomly assigned 117 men between the ages of 21 and 35 to either consume or not eat 18 walnuts each day for 12 weeks.
Scientists examined sperm parameters both before and after the experiment. Only in the nut group did they find a substantial increase in sperm viability.
There has been some evidence[5] that nuts can increase the quality and function of sperm due to the high levels of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts.
Almonds, pecans, pine nuts, and hazelnuts are just a few of the many nuts high in antioxidants. Peanuts are also a good source of antioxidants.
Your man should limit the number of nuts he consumes when snacking to maintain a balanced diet. Avoid chocolate-covered nuts and those with added sugars.
The pomegranate is another potent antioxidant. Several animal studies have revealed that pomegranate juice can improve[6] the quality of sperm, but it has not yet been proven to have the same impact on humans.
You can’t hurt by sipping on some pomegranate juice while you wait, right? To get him to try it, give him an OJ replacement or put it in a smoothie.
Maca Root
To increase libido, this Peruvian maca root powder has long been used. Although this hasn’t been confirmed conclusively, some research[7] has shown that maca powder enhances sperm concentration and motility.
Sprinkle some on oatmeal and smoothies, or use it to flavor other breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles if your partner is curious to sample this nutty-flavoring powder!
A single kiwi delivers nearly the entire recommended daily amount[8] of vitamin C needed by men. There is strong evidence that oral supplementation of vitamin C enhances[9] sperm motility and count as well as morphology.
Vitamin C is also found in red peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
In addition to the vitamins and nutrients stated in this article,[10] garlic has been discovered to have a good influence on male fertility.
Garlic has been shown to increase sperm production and testosterone levels, possibly due to its antioxidant characteristics.
Even while further research is needed to validate garlic’s ability to boost male fertility, data suggests that it may also protect against chemotherapy-induced harm to sperm production and testosterone concentrations.
There are many nutrients[1] in beef that help sperm count and motility, including zinc, selenium, vitamin B-12, and carnitine. In addition to beef, several other meals can help maintain good sperm count and motility.
As far as sperm health and motility go, it’s packed with everything you need, from zinc to selenium to vitamin B12 to carnitine to choline.
Zinc has long been known to improve[11] sperm quality, and beef contains some of the greatest concentrations of zinc in nature. Male fertility can be improved in numerous ways with zinc, including sperm count, motility, morphology, and many more.
Human seminal plasma contains a higher percentage of zinc than any other human tissue, according to studies.
Sunflower Seeds
It is rich in vitamin E, folate, zinc, and other antioxidants such as selenium. Consuming Sunflower seeds in a diet may help in improving your male fertility. This could play a major role in maintaining your sperm levels.
It may also enhance your sperm count and motility. The powerful nutrients present in Sunflower seeds may provide you with an enhanced experience in bed.
It consists of vitamin C and vitamin A which may help[12] in increasing your sperm count and its quality.
This also has antioxidant properties that could keep your sperm away from several chromosomal abnormalities. It may enhance sperm production and prevent them from being damaged.
Pumpkin Seeds
It contains a component called phytosterol. Consuming pumpkin seeds could play a major role in improving your[13] sperm count and fertility.
They are high in antioxidants which may support your healthy testosterone levels. Further, it could enhance reproductive function in men.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc which may boost sperm quality by increasing zinc levels in the bloodstream.
Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin E and antioxidants in your diet by consuming foods[14] such as flaxseed (chia) and sunflower seed (sunflower).
There are different types of matured cheese such as Aged Cheddar, Parmesan, Manchego, etc. which could help you in improving your sperm health.
It consists of components like Polyamines. They are high in proteins which may improve sperm quality.
Consuming yogurt daily may enhance your semen quality. Further, it could also improve testosterone levels. As a result, this may increase the chances of conceiving your partner.
Greek yogurt is considered high in probiotics which may trigger improvement in your sperm quality and motility.
Eggs may be a healthier way to improve your sperm count quickly. As they are the powerhouse of protein which could play a major role in improving motility and dealing with free radicals.
The other nutrients in eggs such as vitamins and minerals may help you with enhanced sperm production.
Spinach contains folic acid. On its consumption, this may help you in maintaining the overall sperm health and keep them away from damage.
Along with this, it also consists of vitamin C, which could affect positively, the production of sperm. Further, it may help in maintaining your sperm quality.
Other nutritional information on Spinach is discussed here.[15]
They contain vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C. The regular consumption[16] of bananas may help you in enhanced sperm production.
It also consists of enzymes such as Bromelain which has several anti-inflammatory properties. This could enhance sperm count and motility.
It is high in vitamin C and components which could help you in increasing your sperm count. This may further keep[17] your testicles away from free radicals.
As a result, it could reduce sperm damage. This may strengthen the testicular cells. It may improve sperm quality and maintains its motility.
Dark Chocolate
It consists of amino acids such as L-Arginine. Along with this, dark chocolate also contains caffeine. This may help you by improving your sperm volume. Further, it could enhance your ejaculate.
Dark chocolate consumption to improve male fertility that may improve your motility and could also elevate the sperm count.
Many foods have been shown to boost sperm count, motility, and general sperm well-being in males. It’s simple to increase your natural fertility and chances of getting pregnant by eating and avoiding certain foods.
With all of the food described above, it can still be challenging to receive all of your nutrients at adequate levels and not possible to derive nutrients like coenzyme Q10, PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), and others, no matter how well-balanced your diet is.
Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.
- Kinga Skoracka, Piotr Eder, Liliana Łykowska-Szuber, et al. Diet and Nutritional Factors in Male (In)fertility—Underestimated Factors J Clin Med. 2020 May; 9(5): 1400. Published online 2020 May 9. doi: 10.3390/jcm9051400
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Michael has been in the male wellness industry for 25+ years. Before joining Working For Health as a full-time male wellness journalist, he contributed to multiple online portals in the male wellness field. Before that, he has been an assistant to several sexologists.