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How To Check Pregnancy At Home Naturally?


Have you missed your monthly periods? Is fatigue causing you to spend most of your time on the bed or is the unpleasant smell making you feel like throwing up?

In the modern world, it is quite simple for a woman attempting to conceive to learn she is pregnant without much waiting or trouble.

In no time at all, a pregnancy test kit may provide a precise result. But it’s not as simple as it sounds to purchase a pregnancy toolkit at the neighborhood pharmacy.

Although seeing your doctor is the most accurate way to determine your pregnancy.

There are several other ways to confirm your pregnancy naturally if visiting a doctor is not a viable option for you.

Women used to find out in several ways if they were pregnant or not way before modern methods existed. Those methods were affordable, safe, and accurate.

To check for pregnancy at home without a pregnancy toolkit, a few easily available natural chemicals are used combined with additional methods.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the ways you could check pregnancy at home naturally.

Ways To Check Pregnancy At Home Naturally

Here are some ways how you could check pregnancy at home naturally:

  1. Soap Pregnancy Test

    If you have any pregnancy signs after missing a period, you could[1] quickly perform a well-liked and simple homemade soap pregnancy test.

    You will need a clean container, your urine sample (preferably taken in the morning), and a bathing soap (make sure not to take liquid bath gel) for this test.

    You could perform the test by adding your urine to the container and then keeping the soap bar in it. After that wait and watch.

    It is a good indicator if froth and bubbles form on the soap because normal pee won’t react with the soap and thus you won’t observe any froth coming up.

    Although you should be able to see the changes within a few minutes, there are no set guidelines on how long to wait to view the results of this home soap pregnancy test.

  2. Sugar Pregnancy Test

    This approach was most commonly used as it was the simplest of all tests. 

    Add a spoonful of sugar and a tablespoon of urine to a bowl. Watch how sugar will respond after being exposed to urine.

    Your pregnancy is confirmed if the sugar begins to clump. You aren’t pregnant if the sugar dissolves rapidly.

    In pregnancy, the sugar cannot fully dissolve because[2]the hCG hormone gets secreted in the urine.

  3. Salt Pregnancy Test

    A salt pregnancy test may be performed at home. One of the most trustworthy pregnancy tests is regarded as the salt test. The test’s technique is very straightforward.

    You will need common salt, your morning urine sample, and one dry and clean container (preferably a glass container).

    Pour the clean sample of your urine into the container. Add about two pinches of salt to the sample. Keep an eye on how the solution might alter.

    A salt pregnancy test is a good predictor of pregnancy if it begins to change into a cheesy and creamy solution. You are not pregnant if the urine-salt mixture does not alter.

  4. Urine Pregnancy Test

    You will need a dry and clean glass container and your urine collected first in the morning. Pour the sample of your urine into the glass container.

    Maintain the glass container on a level surface. Take a close look inside the glass container without picking it up or shaking it after 24 hours.

    There is a high possibility that you may be pregnant if you see a thin film or coating formed on the surface of the preserved sample. You aren’t pregnant if you see no change.

  5. Bleach Pregnancy Test

    Bleach is a potent oxidizing agent used in stain removal, laundry, and many different daily household chores. You could use bleach to perform a pregnancy test in your home as well.

    You will need bleaching powder and one cup of a clean morning urine sample. In a clean container, add a little amount of bleaching powder.

    Add the urine sample to the container at this time. Look for any chemical reactions in the solution.

    When the combination begins releasing a significant amount of bubbles, odors, or gas, it means the lady performing the test is pregnant.

    If the mixture does not release any gas, the test is negative, and therefore the woman is not pregnant.

  6. Toothpaste Pregnancy Test

    Another convenient method of determining whether you are pregnant or not with items that you already have in your home is the toothpaste pregnancy test.

    Using toothpaste is one of the newest additions to homemade pregnancy tests to determine your pregnancy.

    You will need a spotless glass, 2 tablespoons of white toothpaste, and a morning urine sample for combining the ingredients.

    Wait for some time while you combine your urine sample with the white toothpaste in the spotless glass.

    You’re pregnant if the toothpaste becomes foamy and turns blue. You are not pregnant if the toothpaste does not show any changes.

    While this test has some effectiveness, the results are not supported by the scientific community.

    Additionally, the length of time you need to wait for the results and the amount of urine you need to use are not set.

  7. Vinegar Pregnancy Test

    A simple test to determine pregnancy in your home is the vinegar pregnancy test.

    You will need a spotless glass, 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, and your urine sample was taken in the morning to combine the ingredients.

    Pour 2 tablespoons of white vinegar into the spotless glass, then slowly add your urine sample.

    You are maybe pregnant if bubbles begin to appear and the vinegar changes its color.

    You are not pregnant if the solution’s color does not change.

    Using vinegar to check for pregnancy is an age-old custom, but the results are not supported by the medical community.

  8. Mustard Powder Pregnancy Test

    A mustard powder pregnancy test may be used to find out if you’re pregnant if you have recently missed your periods and suspect that you may be pregnant.

    This test is a little different. Mustard helps your periods to get started if it has not yet begun.

    You will need 1 ½ cup of mustard powder and a bathtub filled with lukewarm water.

    Spend 30 minutes soaking in the warm water in the bathtub that has been mixed with mustard powder.

    Wait for a good three to four days and most likely your periods will begin if you’re not pregnant.

    However, if you do not have your periods in the next three to four days, there is a high chance that you are probably pregnant.

    If your period begins after a couple of days, you probably might have an irregular menstrual cycle and thus the delay was caused.

  9. Barley And Wheat Pregnancy Test

    One of the earliest techniques for natural pregnancy testing at home is this one.

    This test has its roots in ancient Egypt and requires you to urinate on either barley or wheat seeds.

    After that, the seeds are kept alone for 2 days. A successful outcome is confirmed if sprouts begin to grow on the seeds.

    Your urine sample will indicate that[3]you aren’t pregnant if there is no sprouting.

    However, keep in mind there is a possibility of false positive findings. Therefore, this is not a reliable method of confirming your pregnancy.

  10. Dandelion Pregnancy Test

    The delicious dandelion leaves could be used to determine whether you’re pregnant. The test strategy is often thought to produce precise results.

    See how the dandelion pregnancy test will work. A few of the dandelion plant’s fresh leaves need to be removed and placed on a plastic sheet.

    Keep them away from direct sunlight. Pour urine all over the leaves and cover them with it. All you have to do next is wait for ten minutes.

    If red bumps appear on the leaves, you are most likely pregnant.


There are several subtle and not-so-subtle indicators that your body may give you about whether you’re pregnant, in addition to the intuitive knowledge that you might have.

There are also a ton of other ways to find out if you are expecting, but a pregnancy test is always reliable if you want to be certain.

Home pregnancy tests are not only economical, quick, and convenient, but they are also simple to perform as all of the necessary supplies are close at hand.

Open your cupboards at home and take out the mentioned items as soon as you notice any possible pregnancy signs.

Such as mood changes, exhaustion, and a menstrual cycle that is delayed, to confirm your pregnancy discretely and safely.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Pregnancy Available from:https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/home-use-tests/pregnancy
  2. C. Gnoth and S. Johnson Strips of Hope: Accuracy of Home Pregnancy Tests and New Developments Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 2014 Jul; 74(7): 661–669.doi: 10.1055/s-0034-1368589
  3. Kelsey Tyssowski, Olivia Foster Pee is for Pregnant: The history and science of urine-based pregnancy tests Available from:https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2018/pee-pregnant-history-science-urine-based-pregnancy-tests/

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