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10 Weight Loss Drinks That Could Help You Lose Extra Pounds


You may not be aware of how quickly time flies by when you’re occupied with your daily routine. Even if you’re busy at work or pampering your family, you may not realize that it’s almost time for swimsuit season or the occasion you’ve been dreading.

You haven’t had enough time to get your diet and exercise routine ready or started. You’ve decided to scour the internet for quick weight loss tips so that you can wear the outfit you’ve been saving for special occasions.

If you want to lose weight quickly, there isn’t any magic pill that can do it for you, but there are several drinks that can help you accomplish it faster with safety.

Weight lose drinks

Weight Loss Drinks

Certain low-calorie beverages can help by improving your metabolism, balancing blood sugar levels, and managing cravings, as well as other health benefits.

In other words, don’t expect these drinks to make you progress faster than you would without them. In addition to making other lifestyle adjustments, these 10 nutritious drinks could be an essential part of your weight-loss strategy.

  1. Water

    Because it has no calories, you might assume that drinking water is a no-brainer. In addition, H2O’s additional characteristics make it a powerful weight reduction aid.

    Research[1] shows that within 10 minutes of consuming water, your energy expenditure can be raised by up to 24-30 percent. Ensuring you’re getting enough water each day can help you feel more energized and happier.

    As a bonus, drinking water before meals will make you feel more content, which can help you limit your portion sizes and even help you lose weight.

  2. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Weight loss drinks that contain apple cider vinegar are a popular choice. It is a beverage that requires a two-step manufacturing method for this beverage.

    To make this beverage, it is necessary to smash or cut apples and mix them with yeast, which converts the sugars present in them to ethanol.

    Once bacteria have been introduced, fermentation can take place, and acetic acid can be produced. Acetic acid is the primary constituent[2] of apple cider vinegar.

    It works by raising your metabolism and reducing your body fat.

  3. Green Tea

    Green tea is another beverage that falls under the category of weight loss drinks. Known for its antioxidant capabilities, it is excellent for your overall well-being.

    Since ancient times, numerous civilizations have used green tea to treat a variety of ailments. Green tea has a significant impact on metabolism.

    As a result[3], your body is better able to transform the food and drink you consume into energy than before. Green tea includes two primary components: antioxidant catechin and stimulant caffeine.

    Both of these elements increase your body’s ability to utilize energy. Catechin is also involved in lipid molecule breakdown, which is facilitated by catechin.

  4. Ginger Tea

    With this potent root, ginger tea helps to reverse symptoms that commonly prevent losing weight in some people.

    Although it has no direct correlation to weight loss, it can help ease some of the physical pressures that may impede your weight loss efforts.

    Ginger, for example, offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities that can protect against cardiovascular damage and various other stresses.

    Gingerol, a chemical found in ginger, has the ability for blood sugar level improvement and lower “bad” cholesterol. Pre-meal ginger water consumption has been linked to a fuller stomach, according to one study[4].

  5. Fennel Water

    Indigestion may contribute to gaining extra weight, therefore fennel water is a vital supplement. If you want to keep your digestive[5] system in good shape, you can use the antibacterial characteristics of fennel seeds to do so.

    Scientists are still debating whether or not fennel is an effective appetite suppressant, despite what several health experts have said.

    Regardless, if you’re a fan of licorice, fennel tea is a pleasant, low-calorie alternative.

  6. Grapefruit Juice

    It’s possible to lose weight by drinking grapefruit juice. In a study[6], mice were fed a high-fat diet at U.C. Berkeley, but they were also given pulp-free grapefruit juice as part of the experiment.

    Control mice received water instead of the zesty beverage. Drinking grapefruit juice instead of water resulted in mice gaining weight at a rate that was 18.4% lower.

    Fasting blood glucose and insulin levels, as well as liver triacylglycerol (a form of fat) in the same group of mice all, dropped significantly.

  7. Protein Drink

    As a thermodynamically active micronutrient and satiety-inducing agent, protein is well-known to promote weight loss. For some who find it difficult to get enough protein from their diets, protein drinks can be a useful[7] supplement.

    They’re low in calories and packed with vitamins and minerals, so you can stay away from those with artificial colorings and other ingredients such as added sugar.

  8. Vetiver Drink

    Vetiver, or khus-khus, is known for its cooling effects. It’s easy to prepare vetiver tea by boiling the roots in water. Drink a single glass of filtered water each day.

    In addition to aiding in weight loss and relaxation, this detox water can also be used to cure sleeplessness. Additionally, it’s good for your skin[8] and liver.

    It is also possible to employ vetiver roots as essential oils, which can be distilled from them.

  9. Vegetable Juice

    Even while the higher fiber content of veggies makes them a better choice[9] for weight loss, drinking vegetable juice may also help you slim down.

    Patients with metabolic syndrome who consumed one or more portions of vegetable juice with low-sodium daily while on a calorie restriction diet lost more weight than those who didn’t, according to a study.

    Those taking part were likewise restricted in calories. It appears that drinking vegetable juice causes a drop in leptin levels. Having too much leptin in the blood is connected to obesity.

  10. Coffee

    Many individuals around the world rely on coffee to boost their energy and improve their mood. This is because coffee includes caffeine, a stimulant in the body that may aid weight loss.

    Drinking coffee may result in weight loss because it can lower your caloric intake while also increasing your metabolic rate.

    Those who drank coffee with around 6 mg of caffeine per kilogram of body weight drank fewer calories overall than those who drank coffee with less caffeine or none at all, according to one research of 33 overweight people.

    Studies[10] have found that increasing one’s caffeine intake increases metabolism and aids in fat loss. Weight loss may be simpler to maintain in the long run if you drink coffee.


When it comes to weight growth, it’s becoming more and more commonplace in the modern age. This is mostly due to the working class’s lifestyle.

This problem can be solved by using weight loss drinks. When you lose weight, your health improves greatly, as well. Also, it reduces the likelihood of developing a variety of illnesses.

It lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and lowers blood sugar levels as well. Weight loss reduces joint discomfort, and back pain, and increases mobility.

+10 References/Sources

Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Jodi D Stookey, Florence Constant, Barry M Popkin, et al. Drinking water is associated with weight loss in overweight dieting women independent of diet and activity Obesity (Silver Spring). 2008 Nov;16(11):2481-8. doi: 10.1038/oby.2008.409. Epub 2008 Sep 11. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18787524/
  2. Tomoo Kondo, Mikiya Kishi, Takashi Fushimi, et al. Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2009 Aug;73(8):1837-43. doi: 10.1271/bbb.90231. Epub 2009 Aug 7. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19661687/
  3. Tannis M Jurgens, Anne Marie Whelan, Lara Killian, et al. Green tea for weight loss and weight maintenance in overweight or obese adults Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Dec 12;12(12):CD008650. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008650.pub2. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23235664/
  4. Najmeh Maharlouei, Reza Tabrizi, Kamran B Lankarani, et al. The effects of ginger intake on weight loss and metabolic profiles among overweight and obese subjects: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2019;59(11):1753-1766. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1427044. Epub 2018 Feb 2. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29393665/
  5. Huihui Liu, Jinlu Li, Shuqin Lin, et al. Effects of dietary fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) seed powder supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, small intestinal morphology, and carcass traits of broilers PeerJ. 2021; 9: e10308. Published online 2021 Jan 28. doi: 10.7717/peerj.10308
  6. Ken Fujioka, Frank Greenway, Judy Sheard, et al. The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: relationship to the metabolic syndrome J Med Food. Spring 2006;9(1):49-54. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2006.9.49. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16579728/
  7. Joy L Frestedt, John L Zenk, Michael A Kuskowski, et al. A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Mar 27;5:8. doi: 10.1186/1743-7075-5-8. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18371214/
  8. Pauline Burger, Anne Landreau, Marie Watson, et al. Vetiver Essential Oil in Cosmetics: What Is New? Medicines (Basel). 2017 Jun; 4(2): 41.
    Published online 2017 Jun 16. doi: 10.3390/medicines4020041
  9. Susanne M. Henning, Jieping Yang, Paul Shao, et al. Health benefit of vegetable/fruit juice-based diet: Role of microbiome Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 2167.Published online 2017 May 19. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-02200-6
  10. Reza Tabrizi, Parvane Saneei, Kamran B Lankarani, et al. The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2019;59(16):2688-2696. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1507996. Epub 2018 Oct 18. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30335479/

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