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10 Dry Fruits And Nuts For Healthy Weight Gain: Know Their Calorie Counts And More


Developing muscles or gaining weight could be difficult for many people. Numerous dry fruits with high-calorie counts might help you attain your objective.

Additionally, dry fruits and nuts also include vital minerals and vitamins that would support your health. According to studies, dried fruit has four to six times as many micronutrients as there are in fresh fruit. Also high in energy are dried fruits.

To prevent negative effects on your sugar levels, it is advisable to mix dry fruits with healthy fat or protein as they have extra natural sugars.

Simple rules might help you gain weight more quickly. To gain weight, you must consume more calories than you burn each day. However, eating more calories does not permit you to stuff yourself with foods high in sugar and fat.

You must find nutritious and calorie-dense foods that would make it simple for you to attain your goal. Dry fruits are a healthful, convenient, and delectable option among the many natural sources for gaining weight.

In this article, we will be looking at some dry fruits and nuts that might help you to gain a healthy weight.

Dry fruits for healthy weight gain

List Of Dry Fruits For Healthy Weight Gain

Here are some dry fruits for healthy weight gain:

  1. Dried Apricots

    The renowned fruit apricots are delicious both dried and fresh. Dried apricots include lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, three plant pigments that promote eye health, and are also a great source of calories.

    Your calorie intake increases by 260 calories from one hundred grams of dried apricots. They are a good nutritional choice in addition to being the greatest dry fruit for weight gain.

    This dried fruit contains the potent antioxidant beta-carotene. It not only enhances[1] the health of your eyes but also strengthens your immune system.

    Apricots also have the highest concentration of minerals and vitamins. Dried apricots pair well with nuts and cheese, which are both good sources of fat and calories, and might aid in weight gain.

    The following nutrients[2] are included in one ounce (30 grams) serving of dried apricots:

    • Carbs: 19 grams
    • Calories: 65
    • Fat: 0.12 grams
    • Protein: 0.9 grams
    • Fiber: 1.5 grams
    • Vitamin E: 10% of the daily value
    • Vitamin A: 5% of the daily value
  2. Cashew Nuts

    Cashew nuts are a wonderful addition to cereals, oats, smoothies, and different dishes as they are not only high[3] in calories but also have a creamy feel.

    You could raise your calorie intake by 554 calories for every one hundred grams of cashew nuts. Cashew nuts’ high protein content also aids in building lean muscle mass.

    They are a popular option among bodybuilders because of this. Additionally, providing your body with phosphorus, potassium, copper, and iron is a handful of cashew nuts.

  3. Dates

    The cylindric, little fruits of the tropical date palm are known as dates. In the majority of Western nations, they are usually dried and are rich in nutrients.

    Additionally, these dry fruits are a significant source of vitamin B6, iron, copper, and manganese. Dates are a wonderful food for anyone trying to gain weight as they are primarily composed of natural sugars.

    For every one hundred grams, you receive 276 calories. However, there are additional benefits to having dates in your diet if you want to gain weight.

    Dates’ high fiber content may enhance[4] digestion. This enables you to better pass the nutrients from the food you eat through your digestive system.

    Dates keep you energized and energetic for a longer period because of their special blend of fat and sugar. It follows that you could exercise vigorously for extended periods without feeling tired quickly.

    Dates are a versatile approach to enhancing your calorie intake as they have a long shelf life and are usually offered dried.

    They are delicious as a binder in baked dishes or on their own. For a high-calorie, nutritious snack, try filling dates with coconut flakes and almond butter.

    The following nutrients[5] are contained in the date (26 grams):

    • Carbs: 19 grams
    • Calories: 66.4
    • Fat: 0.2 grams
    • Protein: 0.5 grams
    • Fiber: 1.5 grams
    • Magnesium: 2% of the daily value
    • Potassium: 3% of the daily value
  4. Dried Figs

    These high-energy dry fruits are excellent for supporting your workout requirements. With almost 230 calories per one hundred grams, dried figs contribute to weight gain.

    They also give you a boost of energy because of their mineral richness[6] which includes calcium, copper, iron, and high carbohydrate content. The best way to consume dried figs is to soak them in warm water beforehand.

  5. Prunes

    Prunes are nutritionally rich dried plums with a lot of flavors. Prunes have a reputation for easing constipation as well. Their fiber content might help your stool gain volume and go through your digestive tract more quickly, as per the study[7].

    Prunes are a convenient way to promote healthy weight gain by enhancing your calorie intake as they are simple to incorporate into your diet and have a long shelf life.

    You might enjoy them in your baked products, preferred smoothies, and salads in addition to their delicious flavor of their own.

    The following nutrients are contained in an ounce (30 gram) serving of prunes:

    • Carbs: 19 grams
    • Calories: 66
    • Fat: 0.2 grams
    • Protein: 0.5 grams
    • Fiber: 3 grams
    • Potassium: 4.5% of the daily value
    • Vitamin K: 15% of the daily value
  6. Almonds

    Almonds are a wonderful option for people who need to enhance their calorie intake. These dry fruits have the most calories per one hundred grams, making them the greatest for weight growth.

    They are also abundant in Omega-3 acids, which enhance[8] your cognitive abilities, strengthen your immune system, and safeguard your heart health.

    To support your nutritional needs and work out for a quicker weight gain, almonds also include the proteins and carbohydrates you need.

  7. Raisins

    Raisins are a staple in our diet and provide more calories per serving than fresh grapes. You could receive up to 350 calories from only one hundred grams of raisins.

    These calories are mostly made up of carbohydrates and sugar, which might hasten weight growth.

    Additionally, the essential elements manganese, magnesium, iron, and copper that boost your general health and metabolism are included in these dried fruits.

    Dried grapes in several hues and shapes are known as raisins. While the word usually characterizes all varieties of dried grapes in Canada and the United States, it only applies to dark-colored, huge varieties in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland.

    Additionally, raisins are a significant source[9] of manganese, magnesium, numerous B vitamins, and copper.

    You might easily enhance your calorie intake by including raisins in your diet. They go nicely with cheeses, yogurts, nuts, oats, and salads, and also taste delicious.

    The following nutrients are present in one ounce (30 gram) serving of raisins:

    • Carbs: 20 grams
    • Calories: 86
    • Fat: 0.2 grams
    • Protein: 2 grams
    • Fiber: 2 grams
    • Iron: 3.5% of the daily value
    • Potassium: 4.6% of the daily value
  8. Pistachios

    Pistachios are a flavorful and delicious complement to your diet plan for weight gain. A 35-gram serving of raw pistachios could provide up to 158 calories, which is a fairly high calorific content.

    Pistachios are much healthier as they do not have any bad fats or cholesterol. They also provide[10] you with several micronutrients, such as manganese, copper, Vitamin B6, and more.

  9. Currants

    The Black Corinth variety of currants is sweet, tiny dried grapes. They are rather adaptable because of their sweet-tangy flavor despite their small size.

    Additionally, currants are a good source[11] of micronutrients like magnesium, potassium, zinc, and more.

    To enhance the number of calories in stuffing, yogurt, and baked goods, try adding currants. They make a delicious late-afternoon or mid-morning snack when combined with seeds and nuts.

    The following nutrients are present in an ounce (30 gram) serving of currants:

    • Carbs: 18 grams
    • Calories: 78
    • Fat: 0.2 grams
    • Protein: 1.15 grams
    • Fiber: 1 gram
    • Iron: 6% of the daily value
    • Copper: 16% of the daily value
  10. Peanuts

    Peanuts are well known for their health advantages[12]. They provide you with a rich dose of protein when consumed in numerous forms, such as roasted peanuts or peanut butter.

    Additionally, peanuts have a very high calorific value. Up to 580 calories could be obtained from every one hundred grams.

    You receive your calories from healthy sources as they are the ideal balance of good fats and proteins. You might gain more lean mass as a result rather than fat.


It is a good idea to eat calorie-dense meals like dry fruits and nuts which also include minerals to gain weight. To gain a healthy amount of weight, though, you cannot solely rely on increasing your caloric intake.

It should be combined with a solid exercise program. Weight training is highly advised for people looking to bulk up as it helps you to improve muscle volume while reducing your fat.

Before beginning an exercise regimen and a diet, you should take into account any potential health difficulties you have or if you have been underweight for a long time.

The inability to gain weight or weight loss might be caused by several reasons, including diabetes and thyroid problems.

Therefore, it is always a good idea to speak with a specialist before making any lifestyle changes.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Chan-Sik Kim, Kyuhyung Jo, Ik-Soo Lee, et al. Topical Application of Apricot Kernel Extract Improves Dry Eye Symptoms in a Unilateral Exorbital Lacrimal Gland Excision Mouse Nutrients. 2016 Nov; 8(11): 750. Published online 2016 Nov 23. doi: 10.3390/nu8110750
  2. Apricots, dried, sulfured, uncooked FDC Published:4/1/2019 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173941/nutrients
  3. Ana Paula Silva Caldas, Daniela Mayumi Usuda Prado Rocha, Ana Paula Dionísio, et al. Brazil and cashew nuts intake improve body composition and endothelial health in women at cardiometabolic risk (Brazilian Nuts Study): a randomized controlled trial Br J Nutr. 2022 Feb 23;1-38. doi: 10.1017/S000711452100475X. Online ahead of print. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35193718/
  4. Arshad H Rahmani, Salah M Aly, Habeeb Ali, et al. Therapeutic effects of date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera) in the prevention of diseases via modulation of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-tumour activity Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014; 7(3): 483–491. Published online 2014 Mar 15.
  5. Mohamed Ali Al-Farsi, Chang Yong Lee Nutritional and functional properties of dates: a review Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2008 Nov;48(10):877-87. doi: 10.1080/10408390701724264. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18949591/
  6. Olga S Arvaniti, Yiannis Samaras, Georgia Gatidou, et al. Review on fresh and dried figs: Chemical analysis and occurrence of phytochemical compounds, antioxidant capacity and health effects Food Res Int. 2019 May;119:244-267. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2019.01.055. Epub 2019 Jan 24. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30884655/
  7. E Lever, J Cole, S M Scott, et al. Systematic review: the effect of prunes on gastrointestinal function Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Oct;40(7):750-8. doi: 10.1111/apt.12913. Epub 2014 Aug 11. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25109788/
  8. Jelena Mustra Rakic, Jirayu Tanprasertsuk, Tammy M Scott, et al. Effects of daily almond consumption for six months on cognitive measures in healthy middle-aged to older adults: a randomized control trial Nutr Neurosci. 2022 Jul;25(7):1466-1476. doi: 10.1080/1028415X.2020.1868805. Epub 2021 Jan 15. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33448906/
  9. Alexandra Olmo-Cunillera, Danilo Escobar-Avello, Andy J. Pérez, et al. Is Eating Raisins Healthy? Nutrients. 2020 Jan; 12(1): 54.
    Published online 2019 Dec 24. doi: 10.3390/nu12010054
  10. Simona Terzo, Sara Baldassano, Gaetano Felice Caldara, et al. Health benefits of pistachios consumption Nat Prod Res. 2019 Mar;33(5):715-726. doi: 10.1080/14786419.2017.1408093. Epub 2017 Dec 15. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29241364/
  11. Ashwin Gopalan, Sharon C Reuben, Shamima Ahmed, et al. The health benefits of blackcurrants Food Funct. 2012 Aug;3(8):795-809. doi: 10.1039/c2fo30058c. Epub 2012 Jun 6. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22673662/
  12. Shalini S. Arya, Akshata R. Salve, and S. Chauhan Peanuts as functional food: a review J Food Sci Technol. 2016 Jan; 53(1): 31–41. Published online 2015 Sep 19. doi: 10.1007/s13197-015-2007-9

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