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Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation


Premature Ejaculation or PE occurs when a male experiences a sexual orgasm before sexual intercourse or even a minute into it.

Although there isn’t a specific time for ejaculation, if it’s too early followed by a loss of erection, then it won’t be something of great appreciation for the individual partners.

So, if it occurs occasionally, there should not be any room left for extreme concern. In this article, we have discussed a few remedies that may help you with premature ejaculation.

Home Remedies For Premature Ejaculation

  1. Oats

    One of the most surprising natural treatments for men’s premature ejaculation may be oatmeal because oats are good at calming[1] tense muscles.

    Oats may reduce the feelings of stress & anxiety[2], thus fostering comfort and mental quietness, which could help in the pleasure of sexual intercourse.

    These could be great at enhancing serotonin levels in the brain, which is also referred to as the “happy hormone,” so oats should also be included in your daily diet.

  2. Peppermint Oil

    Natural oils play a crucial role in eradicating the problem of premature ejaculation by using effective strategies.

    Peppermint oil is one of the most well-known varieties[3] of oils that may do this function. Peppermint oil could help men have a more fantastic erectile function.

    It promotes masculinity and good sperm quality and quantity. One must know that sperm weakening could cause pre or early ejaculation issues.

    In addition, peppermint oil induces anesthesia and numbness in the penis, thus slowing the citation and delaying ejaculation.

    As a result, someone experiencing premature ejaculation should massage the penis with mint oil for a few minutes before sexual activity.

  3. Natural Herbs

    To deal with the complications of premature ejaculation, the consumption of natural Herbs may be quite effective[4].

    It may help you to improve the sexual health of men and then could also play a part in dealing with ejaculation and extending the duration of sexual encounters.

    A man could successfully reach the peak level of sexual desire enhancing his sense of pleasure.

    Due to their high concentration of essential vitamins which provides the genitals with energy and weaker, it is required while enhancing the ability to have intimate intercourse the herb also age-enhancing the couple’s sexual happiness.

  4. Zinc And Magnesium Rich Foods

    Meals high in zinc are a prized component of the list of home remedies for premature ejaculation. Zinc supports[5] your body’s cell renewal and immune system.

    Additionally, zinc is incredibly important for men’s testosterone production. Therefore, a man with a zinc deficit may also have erectile dysfunction.

    You must include zinc-rich food like pumpkin seeds, pumpkin milk, and other dairy products in your diet to naturally replenish zinc in your body.

    And another essential mineral is magnesium which promotes hormonal release and cell renewal as they extend the ejaculatory desire.

    To improve[6] magnesium intake, include lentils, almonds, and leafy green vegetables could also be added to your diet.

  5. Ayurvedic Herbs

    The ancient Indian medical practice known as Ayurveda primarily uses herbs as natural chemicals to treat all types of illnesses.

    Ayurvedic herbs such as ashwagandha could help you in preventing[7] premature ejaculation, it consists of aphrodisiac properties.

    Along with this, this may also enhance your overall stamina.

  6. Herbal Diet

    A lot of Ayurvedic and herbal remedies in India have the potential capacity to prevent premature ejaculation.

    Premature Ejaculation may be treated with specific plants and medications. For boosting testosterone and treating early ejaculation.

    It is best to consider the ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha, which is known for boosting testosterone and is used to treat[7] early ejaculation.

    To enhance metabolism, and provide a hormonal boost, it is often taken as a powder with a glass of milk.

    However, you might not get spontaneous results with your premature ejaculation right after taking it. Also, taking an herbal diet could eventually help to lengthen the ejaculation period.

  7. Ejaculation Delay Condoms

    The majority of well-known condom manufacturers offer ejaculation-delaying condoms with fascinating names such as “long last”, “all night” or “not out”.

    These kinds of condoms have chemicals inside that act like desensitizing agents, and so when worn, will desensitize your penis. They are constructed[8] of thick latex.

    It functions somewhat similar to that of a delaying spray but, in this case, you don’t have to wait very long to increase sexual activity after wearing the condom.

  8. Exercises

    These are called Kegel exercises, which may help you strengthen the muscles between your tailbone and pubic bone.

    These muscles are located beneath your bladder, and they tend to give good control over ejaculation, in addition to that, it supports your capacity to control urination and bowel movements.

    You might be able to enhance your sexual health and lessen the frequency of premature ejaculation by strengthening the muscles on your pelvic floor.

    Then, your pelvic floor muscles would tighten up as you could feel them in your bladder and lower pelvis. 

    You could strengthen[9] your pelvic muscles and improve your level of control over this area of your body by performing a few exercises.

  9. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

    SSRIs are frequently used to treat depression and anxiety. Premature ejaculation is among the various medical disorders for which some SSRIs are prescribed off-label.

    Currently, sertraline (Prozac) and paroxetine, are frequently administered[10] as off-labeled Premature Ejaculation therapies.

    These drugs foster delayed orgasm by increasing control over your ejaculatory and sensory levels.

Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

Serotonin may be a factor in premature ejaculation, even though the precise reason has not been identified. The nerves naturally produce a chemical called serotonin.

Higher levels of serotonin in the brain may increase the time gaps in ejaculation. But, a moderate amount of serotonin in the brain could cause speed up, thus causing premature ejaculation.

  • Neuro Biological

    Due to the loose pelvic muscles, males are unable to hold the ejaculation for a longer time.

    On the flip side, a syndrome called “that” impairs the neurotransmitters[11] of the brain and weakens the pelvic muscles of the body, and then it becomes difficult for them to take control of their ejaculation.

  • Psychological

    Premature Ejaculation involves psychological issues[12] such as these mentioned in the following:

    • Short-term depression
    • Impractical expectations regarding sexual performance
    • Stress 
    • Guilt 
    • Lack of confidence 
    • Relationship issues 
    • Sexual Repression 
    • Emotional Issues

    Here are some natural home treatments for managing premature ejaculation. They could aid you and improve your sexual performance, so it’s highly recommended that you try out these.


Premature Ejaculation is a condition that may be treated, so you don’t have to endure it permanently.

If you’ve got a mild or moderate degree of Premature Ejaculation or PE, then natural remedies such as diet, nutritional supplements, and strategies you might employ during a sexual encounter may help you in slowing down your orgasm and ejaculation.

However, if you think that your premature ejaculation is pretty severe or persistent then using the over-the-counter medication could be effective.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Peter H. C. Lim. Asian herbals and aphrodisiacs used for managing ED. Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Apr; 6(2): 167–175. doi: 10.21037/tau.2017.04.04.
  2. Thomas M. S. Wolever, Maike Rahn, El Hadji Dioum, et. al. Effect of Oat β-Glucan on Affective and Physical Feeling States in Healthy Adults: Evidence for Reduced Headache, Fatigue, Anxiety, and Limb/Joint Pains. Nutrients. 2021 May; 13(5): 1534. Published online 2021 May 1. doi: 10.3390/nu13051534
  3. J G Buch, R K Dikshit, and S M Mansuri. Effect of certain volatile oils on ejaculated human spermatozoa. Indian J Med Res. 1988 Apr;87:361-3. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3169889/
  4. Nagendra Singh Chauhan, Vikas Sharma, V. K. Dixit, et. al. A Review on Plants Used for Improvement of Sexual Performance and Virility. Biomed Res Int. 2014; 2014: 868062. Published online 2014 Aug 18. doi: 10.1155/2014/868062
  5. Ali Fallah, Azadeh Mohammad-Hasani, and Abasalt Hosseinzadeh Colagar. Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility: A Review of Zn Roles in Men’s Health, Germination, Sperm Quality, and Fertilization. J Reprod Infertil. 2018 Apr-Jun; 19(2): 69–81.
  6. A E Omu, A A Al-Bader, H Dashti, et. al. Magnesium in human semen: possible role in premature ejaculation. Arch Androl. 2001 Jan-Feb;46(1):59-66. doi: 10.1080/01485010150211164. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11204619/
  7. Prasad Mamidi and A B Thakar Efficacy of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera Dunal. Linn.) in the management of psychogenic erectile dysfunction Ayu. 2011 Jul-Sep; 32(3): 322–328.doi: 10.4103/0974-8520.93907
  8. Zhize Wang and Jianjun Yu. Efficacy evaluation of thickened condom in the treatment of premature ejaculation. Transl Androl Urol. 2022 Feb; 11(2): 253–259.doi: 10.21037/tau-22-8.
  9. Christopher Myers, Moira Smith Pelvic floor muscle training improves erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: a systematic review Physiotherapy. 2019 Jun;105(2):235-243. doi: 10.1016/j.physio.2019.01.002. Epub 2019 Jan 14. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30979506/
  10. Andrew Chu; Roopma Wadhwa. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. Date of Publication: May 8, 2022. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554406/
  11. Marcel D Waldinger. The neurobiological approach to premature ejaculation. J Urol. 2002 Dec;168(6):2359-67. doi: 10.1097/01.ju.0000035599.35887.8f. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12441918/
  12. Chris G. McMahon Premature ejaculation Indian J Urol. 2007 Apr-Jun; 23(2): 97–108.doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.32056

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