Sex life is also an essential part of a relationship. It is indispensable for a healthy life. Most men believe in improving their performance both for their partner and themselves.
In doing so, several hurdles can be experienced. Wrong diet, stress, and medicines reduce sex drive and stamina. As a result, if you have any reasons your sex drive is low, this article is worth reading.
We have discussed some techniques, and small lifestyle changes may help. In this article, we will discuss some methods to help you, and your significant other enjoy a better experience.

Ways To Improve Sex Performance In Men
The key to good sex is stamina and maintaining an erection for a long time. The longer you last, the better the experience.
Now there are a lot of supplements available to boost performance. But simply following some natural methods and keeping small details in mind helps.
Since good blood flow to the penis and testosterone largely determine how your sex life is, the focus should be on improving these two. Some methods to do so are –
Stress Management
Stress is an undeniable health hazard creating several others. It is both a cause and response of the body to a situation or health issue.
Any type of stress, be it financial stress or job-related, affects sex drive. Performance anxiety is another key factor determining the outlook of your sex life.
Most men worry about failing to get an erection for a long time. Such stress reduces performance further when making love.
To avoid[1] stress, you can try different methods. Indulge in fun activities alone and with your partner.
Keep talking to your partner during the moment as well as before initiating sexual activity.
Some breathing techniques and stress management programs might also help. -
Staying inactive for long increases the chances of obesity. As per studies, obese men are highly prone to erectile dysfunction.
Out of all the men having erectile dysfunction, 79% of men were obese. Losing weight and staying in shape might help avoid such situations.
- The first one under this category is strength training. Weight lifting has been linked with increased[2] testosterone production.
The more testosterone levels, the more[3] the sex drive. Men doing intense exercises like abs workouts, shoulder workouts, dumbbell back exercises, or weight lifting, even for short intervals, have better sexual performance. - The second exercise recently coming to the limelight for this purpose is kegel exercises. They work by strengthening the pelvic floor and increasing stamina.
The main idea is to control the pubococcygeus muscles. This is done by stopping the flow of urine midway to master control.
This helps men to prevent early ejaculation by training their muscles. - Yoga is also a technique to improve[4] sexual performance. It increases flexibility, and you can try new poses for pleasure with your partner.
Shoulder stands, cow pose, and peacock pose help train pelvic muscles and strengthen them. - Swimming is another leisure sport that helps attain[5] a better physique and body weight management.
If you get bored with the same workout routine, try swimming for 30 minutes. Swimmers in their 60s have a sex life similar to non-swimmers in their 40s. - Cardio or simple aerobic exercise may also pave the way to a satisfying experience with your partner.
These exercises, along[6] with the consumption of proper foods, may improve blood flow and protects the heart. Walking, dancing, or other aerobic exercises aid men in maintaining a more prolonged erection.
- The first one under this category is strength training. Weight lifting has been linked with increased[2] testosterone production.
Masturbate To Last Longer
Masturbation is an excellent way of self-pleasure and finding what’s best for you. But the benefits do not end here.
If you masturbate before having sex with your partner, ejaculation will be delayed. Chances are you will last longer than usual. Semen retention could also help you with that, as it may also help in delaying ejaculation.
It is also important[7] to enjoy it as you do with your partner. Do not rush in the process. If you do so, you will probably last even less than usual.
So take your time with yourself before making things spicy between you and your partner.
Know Your Partner Better
Sex is utterly disappointing when both partners are clueless about the liking of their significant other.
Talk to your partners and make them comfortable. Ask what gives them pleasure and talk about what satisfies you.
Sex with coordination and better understanding lasts longer. If you wish to perform well and not disappoint your partner, take care of what they desire.
Also, sex is not a one-way but a two-way thing. Let your partner take the lead sometimes. You can try alternating your pace fast and slow.
Look at your partner while making love, it may turn them on. This might help you to get a wonderful experience. You can also try music for a romantic mood.
Avoid Smoking And Alcohol
Smoking or consuming alcohol affects libido and may even cause erectile dysfunction. They cut off the blood flow to the genitals by constricting blood vessels.
A little amount of alcohol may not have a drastic impact but overconsumption does.
Alcohol interferes[8] with the brain which prevents blood flow from flowing to the penis in adequate amounts. Also, alcohol is linked with decreased testosterone production.
Talking about smoking, a study[9] found that men consuming more than 20 cigarettes in a day had 60% higher chances of having erectile dysfunction.
It is better to avoid bad habits like these for great sex life and healthy life as a whole.
Eat A Balanced Diet
Eating canned and processed foods has adverse effects on your health. It might cause obesity, increase bad LDL and make you prone to several diseases.
For boosting sex life, a good diet is very important. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You should also include eggs, meats, and fish in your diet.
Foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon and tuna are great to boost libido. Walnuts are known to improve[10] sperm quality and their movement.
Avocados are rich in proteins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Additionally, it contains folic acid and vitamin B6. These are key controllers of sex drive.
Almonds contain arginine that promotes[11] better blood circulation and hence longer lasting erection.
Caffeine and sexual health are correlated thus, the consumption of coffee is great for arousal and stimulation of the brain to ignite the sex drive.
Eggs are a healthy source of protein with ample L-arginine. Hence, you are likely to experience a long-lasting erection.
Red meat is high in zinc. Since zinc helps regulate[12] testosterone, it might improve sexual performance.
Bell peppers are rich in vitamin C and great for blood flow. Hence, it might help attain a better erection.
Sitting In The Sun
Sunlight reduces the production of melatonin hormone. Higher levels of this hormone reduce sexual desires.
It is said exposure to visible light improves mood and libido. Sitting in sunlight might also boost testosterone levels and enhance arousal.
Pay Attention To Foreplay
Penetration is not the only part of sex. The most vital part[13] is foreplay. Always try to initiate romantic touch like cuddling or kissing your partner.
You can also try various types of stimulation, especially clitoral stimulation with your lady love.
Foreplay makes you more desirable to your partner. Focus on different techniques and try new things.
Oral sex might also improve your sexual performance and overall experience.
Herbs Might Help
The treasury of herbs has a solution to almost everything. Several herbs have been associated with increased sexual performance.
The most popular one is ashwagandha or Indian ginseng. The name ashwagandha means it smells like a horse.
It is believed that ashwagandha provides[14] stamina and strength to a male equivalent to a horse. It improves longevity, arousal, and testosterone levels.
Other ginseng varieties are also useful for improving sexual performance. Some other herbs are maca, Tribulus Terrestris, and Shatavari.
Start Your Romance Outside The Bedroom
Most people think of sex as momentary. It all starts and begins inside a room for a short while.
You should keep talking about your special moment throughout the day. It can be text or voice notes.
Having a spicy conversation with your partner keeps the mood refreshed. You will find yourself more passionate at the moment if you were talking about it before it all started.
You can also indulge in some fun non-sexual activities with your partner to bond well. Deep conversations will help resolve misunderstandings.
Going on trips together will be great for you and your partner as the same environment gets boring and affects performance.
Don’t Shy Away From Medical Help
Most men are reluctant to talk about the problems they face in their sex life. So the problem worsens with time.
If natural methods don’t work for you, seek medical attention. Try talking to your doctor openly about the difficulties you face.
The doctor might prescribe some supplements if needed. If you wish to use Cialis or viagra, ask if it is safe for you.
You might also benefit from counseling. Your doctor can help you better with such problems.
In counseling, you will be able to deal with past trauma and bad experience affecting your sexual performance.
Hormone therapy is prescribed[15] if you have low levels of testosterone. An extra dose taken orally or applied to the skin might boost your performance.
Always remember, you should always avoid self precipitation of drugs. Do not take supplements or treatments without having a word with your doctor.
Sexual performance is also a significant part of life. Several natural methods can help make things better for you and your partner.
If you wish to boost your sex drive or last longer, try some exercises like cardio or kegel exercises.
A balanced diet rich in foods like vegetables, meats, and fruits improves nutrition and hence hormone production.
Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.
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Michael has been in the male wellness industry for 25+ years. Before joining Working For Health as a full-time male wellness journalist, he contributed to multiple online portals in the male wellness field. Before that, he has been an assistant to several sexologists.