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12 Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work


In this era of digitalization, there is a plethora of information related to weight loss available over the web. However, it may be difficult to substantiate the authenticity of this information.

Due to this, it becomes crucial for you to get the right piece of advice for your weight loss journey that could work.

Just like there is a library of misguided information related to weight loss on the web, there could even be legitimate and expert-approved information.

All you have to do is to find this information and use the best weight loss tips in your weight loss journey.

To help you avoid the daunting process of finding the best weight loss tips, we have made a list of the weight loss tips that could work.

Tips To Weight Loss

So, here are the best weight loss tips which you may implement in your weight loss journey.

  1. Focus On Protein

    One of the best tips that you could follow to enhance your weight loss journey could be to add protein to your diet.

    Being the king of nutrients, protein could help to make you feel full for a longer time, thus truncating your food cravings now and then.

    According to the study[1], people who focus on consuming protein might eat 400 calories less in a single day. Other than this, a high protein diet might amplify your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories in a single day.

    So you could have a powerful effect[2] on your weight loss journey by simply adding certain high protein ingredients like eggs, chia seeds, peanut butter, potato, lean beef, etc. to your diet.

  2. Avoid Skipping Breakfast

    Many times people tend to prevent eating their breakfast to support their weight loss process. However, skipping breakfast to lose weight is just a myth.

    When you skip breakfast, you might miss out on some of the important nutrients that could help to fuel[3] you up for the entire day. Hence, you may end up snacking more throughout the day and feeling tired and hungry.

  3. Get Enough Sleep

    Getting enough sleep could be one of the most robust pieces of advice to help you lose weight. Lack of sleep in your schedule could augment[4] the levels of the hunger hormone in your body referred to as ghrelin.

    At the same time, it could even abridge the presence of the satisfaction hormone in your body referred to as leptin. Both these factors are enough to let you know how any modifications in your sleeping schedule could lead to weight gain.

    People who are sleep-deprived[5] might crave more sweet and salty foods. The reason behind this is simply because, with more intense hunger, your body’s cravings for energy might also heighten up.

    Apart from this, another reason that could contribute to the fact that lack of sleep might heighten your weight is that inadequate sleep may affect the way you think and process your emotions.

    On the other hand, if you are well rested then you may be able to make better choices and might be motivated to pursue your weight loss journey.

  4. Limit The Consumption Of Added Sugar

    Eating added sugar might not just heighten your weight, but it could even be related to some severe diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases.

    Moreover, research even shows that on average, Americans might consume 15 teaspoons of added sugar each day, either knowingly or unknowingly.

    This amount of added sugar might be consumed[6] by you, either deliberately or through different processed foods. Moreover, the added sugar in different processed foods might go by different names.

    So, it could become very difficult for you to figure out the added sugar content in any product through its ingredient lists.

    Hence, the only solution here could be to skip processed foods that are not just high in added sugars, but also calories and added fats.

    Moreover, processed foods are also fabricated in such a way that they might tantalize you to eat as much as possible.

  5. Focus On Hydration

    According to different experts, thirst could make you more prone to hunger. On the other hand, if you are hydrated, then the water might even make you feel fuller.  Thus, no wonder that staying hydrated might improve[7] your weight loss journey.

    Moreover, research[8] even shows how the people who drank approximately 2 glasses of water before their meals were able to lose more weight as compared to people who did not drink water before their meals.

  6. Try Consuming Unsweetened Coffee

    With the goodness of certain beneficial compounds and antioxidants, coffee could be a healthy beverage that might promote your weight loss journey.

    Drinking coffee might support your weight loss process because it could heighten the energy levels in your body. Most people understand that an energized body may be able to burn more calories.

    More specifically, black coffee might support your weight loss process because it contains almost no calories and hence could help to make you feel full.

    However, make sure all the coffee you drink is unsweetened. You might even focus on caffeinated coffee that could amplify metabolism by three to 11%.

    Decaffeinated coffee may even truncate your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by approximately 23 to 50%.

    Coffee in regards to weight loss has been discussed here[9] in detail.

  7. Avoid The Liquid Calories

    If you are one of those persons who cannot control yourself without sipping something sweet, then you may consider this tip. You could find a strong relationship between weight gain and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in adults.

    Moreover, research even shows how truncating your daily consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages might result in weight loss.

    So, it may be suggested[10] that you replace your soda with sparkling water because 20 ounces of soda could help you save approximately 20,000 calories in just a few months.

    This reduction[11] in the number of calories could result in approximately 5 pounds of weight loss.

  8. Add Plenty Of Fruit And Vegetables

    The three most crucial elements that might foster your weight loss journey could be low calories, high fiber, and low fat. And guess what?

    All these three elements are present in fruits and vegetables. Besides this, fruits and vegetables may even contain a plethora of vitamins and minerals and could further provide you with other benefits.

    So no doubt you could add different fruits and vegetables to not just add vibrancy and flavor to your diet, but even promote your weight loss process.

    Also, this study[12] even substantiates the fact that people who consume more fruits and vegetables might weigh less.

  9. Limit The Consumption Of Refined Carbs.

    Refined carbs refer to the carbs that have had most of their nutrients and fibers removed. As the name suggests, in the process of refining, refined carbs are made easy to digest.

    So, refined carbs might augment your risk of diseases and even overeating. Some of the major sources of refined carbs could include white bread, white rice, added sugar, pastries, snacks, white flour, breakfast cereals, and sweets.

    Hence make sure to limit the consumption[13] of these refined carbs in your diet.

  10. Use Smaller Plates

    Yes, you heard it right. Truncating the size of your plate might even help you to reduce weight by reducing the quantity of your portion size.

    Different studies show how smaller plates might motivate[14] you to eat less because of the lesser portion size. Thus, reducing the size of your plate might give you the notion that you have eaten quite much.

    On the other hand, in case you opt for a bigger plate, then you may fill it full and instead eat more.

  11. Eat Slowly

    Another important weight loss tip that could work is to eat slowly and chew each morsel well the moment it enters your mouth.

    So, you may always focus on chewing your food well and swallowing it only when it is all chewed up. When you eat slowly, your body can get the required time to know that you are full.

    On the other hand, in case you focus on eating fast, then your body may have eaten a whole lot of calories before it realizes that you are full.

    Moreover, research[15] even shows how people who eat faster might be more likely to develop obesity as compared to people who eat slowly.

    Apart from this, eating slowly could even help to amplify the production of hormones that might be related to weight loss.

  12. Add More Fiber To Your Diet

    Another crucial piece of advice for your weight loss journey could be to focus more on fiber-rich foods specifically, the water-soluble fiber.

    Eating water-soluble fiber may provide you with the feeling of fullness so that you do not feel hungry again and again.

    Moreover, fiber may even avoid emptying your stomach quickly and promote the production of satiety hormones. No doubt that adding more fiber could improve your weight loss process.

    The benefits[16] of fiber do not halt here. Different types of fibers could help to feed the friendly gut bacteria in your intestine. Researches show how friendly gut bacteria might be linked with truncated risk of obesity.

    However, the only thing you need to pay heed to here is to gradually increase the fiber consumption to evade bloating, cramps or diarrhea.

Let's Wrap It Up!

Thus, these are some of the tips that you may follow to enhance your weight loss journey. Focusing on just a particular tip is not important.

You need to pay heed to all of them and make sure to balance them out with your diet. Changing your diet while exercising may be the best solution[17] for your weight loss journey.


Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. David S Weigle, Patricia A Breen, Colleen C Matthys, et al. A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1):41-8. doi: 10.1093/ajcn.82.1.41. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16002798/
  2. Heather J Leidy, Peter M Clifton, Arne Astrup, et al. The role of protein in weight loss and maintenance Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Jun;101(6):1320S-1329S. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.114.084038. Epub 2015 Apr 29. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25926512/
  3. Katherine Sievert, Sultana Monira Hussain, Matthew J Page, et al. Effect of breakfast on weight and energy intake: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials BMJ. 2019; 364: l42. Published online 2019 Jan 30. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l42
  4. Jean-Philippe Chaput and Angelo Tremblay Adequate sleep to improve the treatment of obesity CMAJ. 2012 Dec 11; 184(18): 1975–1976.doi: 10.1503/cmaj.120876
  5. Shahrad Taheri, Ling Lin, Diane Austin, et al. Short sleep duration is associated with reduced leptin, elevated ghrelin, and increased body mass index PLoS Med. 2004 Dec;1(3):e62. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0010062. Epub 2004 Dec 7. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15602591/
  6. Know Your Limit for Added Sugars Page last reviewed: January 13, 2022 Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/sugar.html
  7. Simon N. Thornton Increased Hydration Can Be Associated with Weight Loss Front Nutr. 2016; 3: 18. Published online 2016 Jun 10. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2016.00018
  8. Emily L Van Walleghen, Jeb S Orr, Chris L Gentile, et al. Pre-meal water consumption reduces meal energy intake in older but not younger subjects Obesity (Silver Spring). 2007 Jan;15(1):93-9. doi: 10.1038/oby.2007.506. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17228036/
  9. Ariel Lee, Woobin Lim, Seoyeon Kim, et al. Coffee Intake and Obesity: A Meta-Analysis Nutrients. 2019 Jun; 11(6): 1274. Published online 2019 Jun 5. doi: 10.3390/nu11061274
  10. Frank B. Hu Resolved: There is sufficient scientific evidence that decreasing sugar-sweetened beverage consumption will reduce the prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases Obes Rev. 2013 Aug; 14(8): 606–619. Published online 2013 Jun 13. doi: 10.1111/obr.12040
  11. Rethink Your Drink Page last reviewed: June 7, 2022 Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/drinks.html
  12. L D Whigham, A R Valentine, L K Johnson, et al. Increased vegetable and fruit consumption during weight loss effort correlates with increased weight and fat loss Nutr Diabetes. 2012 Oct; 2(10): e48. Published online 2012 Oct 1. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2012.22
  13. David S Ludwig, Frank B Hu, Luc Tappy, et al. Dietary carbohydrates: role of quality and quantity in chronic disease BMJ. 2018; 361: k2340.
    Published online 2018 Jun 13. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k2340
  14. Joel W. Hughes, Carly M. Goldstein, Carly Logan, et al. Controlled testing of novel portion control plate produces smaller self-selected portion sizes compared to regular dinner plate BMC Obes. 2017; 4: 30. Published online 2017 Jul 28. doi: 10.1186/s40608-017-0167-z
  15. Katherine Hawton, Danielle Ferriday, Peter Rogers, et al. Slow Down: Behavioural and Physiological Effects of Reducing Eating Rate Nutrients. 2019 Jan; 11(1): 50.Published online 2018 Dec 27. doi: 10.3390/nu11010050
  16. Derek C Miketinas, George A Bray, Robbie A Beyl, et al. Fiber Intake Predicts Weight Loss and Dietary Adherence in Adults Consuming Calorie-Restricted Diets: The POUNDS Lost (Preventing Overweight Using Novel Dietary Strategies) Study J Nutr. 2019 Oct; 149(10): 1742–1748.Published online 2019 Jun 7. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz117
  17. Carla E. Cox Role of Physical Activity for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Diabetes Spectr. 2017 Aug; 30(3): 157–160.doi: 10.2337/ds17-0013

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