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Low Sugar Fruits That Could Help Maintain Your Weight And Glucose Level


The current trends in nutrition are to avoid sugar like the plague. But if you plan to cut fruit out of your diet as it contains naturally existing sugar, you might want to reconsider.

Fruit contains a lot of stuff we need. It offers minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Additionally, it gives us fiber and hydrates us, keeping us full.

Unfortunately, most people don’t consume the recommended amount of fruit. Hardly 2 in 10 Americans consume enough vegetables and fruits to make a balanced diet.

Developing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, are some of the risks you take from lacking these nutritionally dense vital meals.

Thus, several nutrient-rich, low-carb alternatives are available if you want to reduce your carbohydrate intake healthily and avoid overindulging in high-sugar fruits like bananas.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the top low-sugar fruits.

List Of Top Best Low Sugar Fruits

Here are some of the top best low-sugar fruits:

  1. Peaches

    One medium peach has only about 12 grams of sugar, despite being very sweet. Peaches are a rich source[1] of beta-carotene and vitamin C.

    These are antioxidants that help boost general health and minimize cell damage.

    In the body, beta-carotene is usually transformed into vitamin A, which supports vision and a healthy immune system.

    The mineral potassium, which is found in peaches, is essential to numerous bodily organs and the health of our nervous system.

    They are also one of the best low-carb fruits.

  2. Watermelon

    Antioxidants, water, and dietary fiber are all abundant in watermelons. Only 9.56 grams of sugar and 142 grams of water make up the 156 grams of watermelon in one cup.

    It also contains huge quantities of vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, lycopene, phosphorus, and folate.

    It helps[2] in weight management as studies show it may lower body mass index and blood pressure, and increases satiety.

    Despite having a high glycemic index, watermelon has a low glycemic load as it contains fewer carbohydrates.

    However, it is better to eat only a little or even avoid it if you have diabetes. Watermelon is also one of the best foods for cutting down fat.

  3. Strawberries

    Eight medium strawberries provide only around 8.5 grams of sugar and are also a rich source of vitamin C and fiber.

    Additionally, they include several polyphenols, which our bacteria convert into beneficial chemicals associated with improved mental health, improved[3] heart health, and potentially reduced risk of cancer.

    If you love strawberries, you have more reason to quit sugar by consuming strawberries in your daily diet.

  4. Cantaloupe

    Melons have long been regarded as healthy[4] low carbohydrate fruits because of their low sugar content.

    One hundred grams of cantaloupe includes only 8.5 grams of sugar and 1.5 grams of fiber per serving.

    Diced cantaloupe is delicious on its own, but you might also add mint to cantaloupe to produce a refreshing salad.

  5. Blackberries

    Anthocyanins which have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, are one of the several healthy plant compounds found in blackberries.

    Only 8 grams of sugar is present in one cup of blackberries. They also include significant[5] amounts of vitamins K, C, and E, and fiber.

  6. Kiwis

    Technically speaking, these fuzzy green fruits are a type of berries. With only 5 grams of sugar per kiwifruit (or kiwi), they are low in sugar and high[6] in vitamin C. Kiwis are readily available in grocery shops.

  7. Grapefruit

    Grapefruit is one of the best citrus fruits that is low in sugar and could also be beneficial in lowering blood pressure.

    One-half of a grapefruit has 8 grams of sugar, making it a wonderful alternative to sugary snacks. It is also an excellent option for breakfast.

    One study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food[7] indicated that participants who had 1/2 a grapefruit before having a meal lost a significant amount of weight than those who did not.

    Grapefruit is known to prevent some medications from being metabolized properly by the body, including those that lower blood pressure or cholesterol.

    Therefore, if you are on medication, it is always a good idea to discuss if this applies to you with your doctor.

  8. Lemons

    Lemons and their green lime relatives are considered one of the best citrus fruits and are abundant in vitamin C.

    Furthermore, they could be the ideal accompaniment to a glass of water.

    Lemons might help in controlling[8] your hunger as they do not have a lot of sugar, only 1 or 2 grams per lime or lemon.

  9. Avocados

    Although you might not have anticipated it, avocados are a fruit with a low sugar content. Only 1.5 grams of sugar is found in one avocado.

    This fruit is rich[9] in good fats which are linked to lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and lower risk of heart disease.

    Along with magnesium and potassium, they also contain Vitamin E, which is essential for preserving the immune system, healthy skin, and eyes.

  10. Raspberries

    Raspberries are one of the many amazing berries to be included in this list as they have a tons of fiber and only 5 grams of sugar (a little more than 1 teaspoon) per cup to keep you full[10].

  11. Apples

    Apple has about 350 different plant chemicals (phytochemicals), along with a wealth of minerals and vitamins, and mixed fibers.

    The fruit sugar, sorbitol, is also present in apples. Sorbitol has a less significant effect on glucose levels compared to sugar.

    As sorbitol draws water into your intestine to soften your stool, it could also be helpful for people who are constipated.

    It is interesting to note that apples have qualities[11] that might aid with mood issues, sleep, and anxiety.

    One medium apple contains 18 grams of sugar and is around 85% water.

    Therefore, if you have been wondering how to keep hydrated, include an apple in your regular diet and drink plenty of water.

    Apple is also one of the foods that could lower cholesterol thanks to its pectin content.

  12. Oranges

    A glass of orange juice contains three times less fiber and two times as much sugar as the orange fruit.

    Thus, if you can choose between the two, always pick the fruit which is very high in vitamin C and contains 10 grams of sugar.

    It is also considered one of the best citrus fruits. Oranges include chemicals (beta carotene) that the body converts into vitamin A.

    They also include several plant compounds like flavanols, which may help support[12] skin and brain health.


Despite that fruits are very healthy and have several good health effects, some varieties, particularly canned, dried, and juiced varieties could be heavy in calories and sugar.

Additionally, some fruit varieties might raise sugar levels in diabetics or induce GERD symptoms in people.

However, bear in mind that most of the fresh and barely processed fruit varieties could be consumed in moderation as part of a well-balanced and nutrient-rich diet.

For advice on how much fruit a diabetic should consume, you should consult a trained nutritionist or a physician.

Even though fruits include sugar, they also contain beneficial minerals, fiber, and nutrients making them a much healthier alternative than foods that have added sugars.

12 References/Sources

Working4Health prefers using primary and verified references. We have strict sourcing guidelines and our primary references include peer-reviewed research, academic, and medical institution studies.

  1. Peaches, yellow, raw FDC Published:4/1/2019 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169928/nutrients
  2. Ambreen Naz, Masood Sadiq Butt, Muhammad Tauseef Sultan, et al. Watermelon lycopene and allied health claims EXCLI J. 2014; 13: 650–660.
    Published online 2014 Jun 3.
  3. Arpita Basu, Kenneth Izuora, Nancy M. Betts, et al. Dietary Strawberries Improve Cardiometabolic Risks in Adults with Obesity and Elevated Serum LDL Cholesterol in a Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial Nutrients. 2021 May; 13(5): 1421. Published online 2021 Apr 23. doi: 10.3390/nu13051421
  4. Melons, cantaloupe, raw FDC Published:4/1/2019 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169092/nutrients
  5. Blackberries, raw FDC Published:10/30/2020 Available from: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1102700/nutrients
  6. Welma Stonehouse, Cheryl S Gammon, Kathryn L Beck, et al. Kiwifruit: our daily prescription for health Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013 Jun;91(6):442-7. doi: 10.1139/cjpp-2012-0303. Epub 2013 May 15. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23746068/
  7. Ken Fujioka, Frank Greenway, Judy Sheard, et al. The effects of grapefruit on weight and insulin resistance: relationship to the metabolic syndrome J Med Food. Spring 2006;9(1):49-54. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2006.9.49. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16579728/
  8. Chikako Shimizu, Yoshihisa Wakita, Takashi Inoue, et al. Effects of lifelong intake of lemon polyphenols on aging and intestinal microbiome in the senescence-accelerated mouse prone 1 Sci Rep. 2019; 9: 3671. Published online 2019 Mar 6. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-40253-x
  9. Mark L Dreher, Adrienne J Davenport Hass avocado composition and potential health effects Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2013;53(7):738-50. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2011.556759. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23638933/
  10. Jules Beekwilder, Harry Jonker, Patrick Meesters, et al. Antioxidants in raspberry: on-line analysis links antioxidant activity to a diversity of individual metabolites J Agric Food Chem. 2005 May 4;53(9):3313-20. doi: 10.1021/jf047880b. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15853365/
  11. Jeanelle Boyer and Rui Hai Liu Apple phytochemicals and their health benefits Nutr J. 2004; 3: 5. Published online 2004 May 12. doi: 10.1186/1475-2891-3-5
  12. Dimitrios Papandreou, Emmanouella Magriplis, Myriam Abboud, et al. Consumption of Raw Orange, 100% Fresh Orange Juice, and Nectar- Sweetened Orange Juice—Effects on Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels on Healthy Subjects Nutrients. 2019 Sep; 11(9): 2171. Published online 2019 Sep 10. doi: 10.3390/nu11092171

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